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"I missed being home." George smiled, walking back towards the cabin.
"Thank you for driving early." He wanted to get home as fast as he can.
"I'm sorry I woke you up at 3am too drive."

"Mhm- it's fine" Dream yawned, rubbing his cheek to wake himself up.
"Yeah.. I'm going to go take care of the pups now and I'll pay the person that watched them... and give them a coffee.."

"I asked Karl if he wanted to watch them with calix and play a game with them.. but I don't know what the plan was with them so I asked ponk and he gladly wanted to let them bond with luana." George walked inside glancing at the blonde whilst he open the door.
"There most likely asleep."

Before Dream spoke- they both heard faint whining coming from inside.

George quickly walked inside- wondering what's going on.
"Hello..?!" He looked around in a rush.

Sapnap sat on the floor, having an unimpressed look.
"Stop whining." He held up Elio's plushie.
"You don't deserve this right now- you haven't been behaving all night."

Elio tried reaching whining- he was scared and wanted his plushie back.
"Give-" he struggled to speak.

"What-?" George had a confused look.
"Why are you watching the pups??" He walked over, crouching down next to them
"Ponk was watching them..?- and give Elio back his plushie!"

He quickly took the plush and gave it to Elio, softly rubbing the pups cheeks.... He knew how scared he was without his plush too keep him safe..

"Cause- i told ponk too fuck off basically and I wanted to watch them and play with them since I enjoy it." Sapnap cussed under his breath.
"I regret it now." He was tired of them.

"Don't talk to Elio like that! He's just a pup- and he doesn't understand.." George quickly picked Elio up, nuzzling him softly.
"I asked ponk so you could have a break- you didn't need to watch them." He frowned, cradling Elio.

"Yeah- well I thought they wanted to watch a movie or something then they started whining and wouldn't shut up." Sapnap stood up, watching the alpha walk in with a coffee in his hand.
"I'm taking this." He walked over, snatching it from Dream.... He was very- very frustrated.
"And I am taking the week off."

Dream was a little shocked- he didn't really understand what happened.
"Uh- okay-."He shrugged, he didn't mind.
"Ill also send 1500$ as compensation for the times before."

"Add another 500$ for today, and if he is that annoying again- I'm putting Elio for fucking adoption." Sapnap growled under his breath, leaving the room whilst closing the door.

George quickly felt his heart sink- he didn't know it Sapnap was serious or not.
"He didn't mean it..." he frowned, nuzzling the pup... he didn't mean to cause a stir.
"I'm sorry- please don't take my pups away."

Elio whined, looking down- he didn't understand... he didn't know what that meant... he just didn't like yelling.

Dreams gaze softened, glancing at George.. he wanted to scold the hell Sapnap for what he said.. but he was more worried about George after he heard him wince.
"Are you okay..?" He tilted his head.

"I'll watch Elio- you can get you work done.... I'll be in our room with the pups." George sighed, walking off towards there room.
"Sorry-" he soon start to jog away.

"Wait-" Dream tried to stop George but he ran away,

George thought it would be nice for the pups too spend time around luana.. so they can bond.. he didn't expect this to occur with Sapnap-

He felt guilty.

.: Dream POV :.

Dreams gaze softened, watching the brunette walk away.
"Damn it." He frowned, looking down at the ground.
"Now he's gone again."

Him and George have barely been able to get a break from anything since ace.

It's always either he's doing work or missions- or busy caring for calix whilst Karl and Sapnap go out to spend time together.. or just people bugging them about the wedding.

Dream didn't mind the extra stress- he was used too it - but he knew George wasn't good at handling even a little stressful situation.
"Maybe- I can get him a gift... maybe that will cheer him up- or.. I can show him it's alright."

"Get who a gift..?" Sam rubbed his eyes, walking in.
"Sorry.. I just heard arguing and walked over." He stretched his arms, humming.
"Is there a problem..?"

"George.. he has been stressing but not telling anyone about it- and I want him too relax." Dream rubbed the back of his head, not knowing how to help.

"Why don't you take him on vacation then..?" Sam tilted his head, a little confused.
"Take him somewhere nice to relax- or calm him down."

"We have to care for the pups, which that's all George has been doing since we returned from florida.." dreams rubbed the back of his head.
"After his injuries were treated- George basically kept the pups in arms reach- more like elbow reach.. I helped out as much as I can when I was able too."

"What do you mean?" Sam cocked a brow, was Dream being lazy?

"Every-time I tried to help- which is everyday.. he told me he had it and took the pups from me until my work was done since he didn't want me to build it up again and disappear for months.. which is understandable." Dream stared at the ground, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"So I listened limited my work, and tried helping George as much as I could... he was scared of something happening too them, but he finally loosened up."

"Yeah uh.... maybe my statement stays proven- he needs a vacation- and a break.." Sam gave an anxious look to Dream, he was scared for George's mental state.
"It's not good for omegas to stress.. he can have a panic attack or get Ill."

"I know- but I just.. I don't know.." Dream crossed his arms.
"He's not even going to leave the house with the pups at this point... he's too protective." He frowned.

Sam gave Dream an unimpressed look.
"You did the same thing." He crossed his arms.
"You literally kept George locked in a house- because you were scared for him to go alone..."

Dream frowned, looking down at the ground shamefully.
"I know.." he sighed, shaking his head.
"I'll try to talk to him.."

"Good luck." Sam yawned, rubbing his eyes.

Dream frowned.. he was worried.

Total word count:1109

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