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George smiled, seeing in the back of the car with the pups.
"Thank you for driving me and the pups." He looked over, seeing them all in a booster seat.
"Sorry for the troubles."

"Of course." Sam hummed, continuing to drive.
"It's no problem! Me and ponk were planning on going eventually." He hummed.

"By the way- How come you wanted to go?" Ponk glanced back.
"It doesn't really seem like you to go without Dream..?" He didn't sound angry just.. confused... did Dream and him argue?

"Dream was busy and it's my birthday- so I wanted to do something nice! And I wanted to bring the pups to have fun." George looked out the window, frowning faintly.
"Plus I didn't want to pester him." He wished Dream remembered his birthday.

Ponk cocked a brow.
"But surely he would have came if it was your birthday." He adjusted himself.

"Oh- he kinda.. forgot." George looked down at his hands, interlocking his fingers.
"So- I'm happy enough to be going with you both even if your spending time together." He sighed.... He always forgets.
"Thank you anyways for driving me."

Ponk and Sam both had a sad look... they could tell how upset George was- even when he tried to hide his sadness..
"Oh.. George.." he frowned.

George shrugged, looking back with a smile.
"It's alright." He hummed.. he just wanted to go to the park.
"I know Dream loves me and the pups all very much and he's working to keep us safe.."

Sam and ponk still felt pity on George.

"Well- we are about to arrive." Sam continued to drive ahead.
"Make sure the pups are ready." He hummed.

George looked over, seeing them all excited- even tallie was excited.
"Yeah.. there excited." He smiled, softly rubbing the top of tallies head.
"Aren't you..."

They all nodded, there smiled growing.

George couldn't help but feel sad.

.: Dream POV :.

Dream leaned back in his chair.. confused- why was George acting so strangely.
"I don't get it.." he casually ate pieces of the fruit, swaying in his chair.
"Why was he so dressed up and awake so early.."

He was trying to understand- it wasn't there anniversary... he remembers that ever since he forgot... what was it? He must have done something or forgot something..... did he make plans last night to spend today with George..?

Dream glanced over, reading the date on the calendar before choking on the fruit- spitting it out.
"FUC-" he quickly tried getting up but fell backwards on his chair.

The door quickly opened soon after.

"What the fuck??" Sapnap quickly ran in, confused of the Big Bang.
"What did you do?!" He was just trying to walk and get a coffee.

Dream quickly scattered off the ground.
"I FUCKED UP-" he ran around his desk, running towards Sapnap.

"When do you not fuck up." Sapnap had an unimpressed look.
"What did you do this time?" He crossed his arms.

"ITS GEORGES BIRTHDAY AND I FORGOT." Dream gripped his forehead, feeling shame.
"I was too busy planning other things- I forgot his birthday." He quickly ran out of the room.

"How did you forget it was George's birthday! Almost everyone has a gift for him!!" Sapnap snapped.
"How do you spend more time working and remembering meetings then your mates birthday!"

"I've been working to get something done for George.." Dream rubbed his cheek.
"Most times we go out, he notices this particular house that's about an hour away from here." He turned to Sapnap, sighing softly.
"I've been in contact to buy the house."

.: my little pet :. Third .:. Where stories live. Discover now