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(This will be the final chapter: it's a long one.

I'll probably add small little bonus chapters once in awhile, I've just lost motivation for this story but I'm going to put all my effort into the final.

I apologize for the ones wanting me to continue. I've been going on this story for 2 years 😭😭 it's time it ended.


George giggled as he walked down the sidewalk, watching as Sapnap kept Karl on his feet.
"Who knew Karl liked to drink." He smiled happily.
"Surprised me that for sure."

"Yeah.. who knew." Sapnap was praying that Karl wasn't going to throw up on him.
"It's.. awful when he drinks this much- he hasn't for awhile at least." He muttered under his breath.
"Come on Karl- let's get you to the car."

"Mmm.." Karl glanced at Sapnap.
"You are prettyyy..." he giggled.

George rolled his eyes before he looked back, seeing xD carrying ponk in a bridal style..... the omega was passed out cold.
"Just put him near Karl." He backed up, walking along next to xD.
"But Dont drop him.. Sam will be upset."

"Whatever you say cutie." xD smirked under his face mask, looking down at George.
"I'll do whatever you ask me too.." he winked, soon walking ahead.

George cringed as he watched the stupid alpha walk towards the car.... Thank god he got the better brother.
"Idiot..." he felt his phone begin to vibrate in his pocket...

He perked up as he reached down.

"It's probably Dream asking when I'll be home.. I just need to take this.." George happily answered the phone, standing in place as he held the phone up to his here.
"Sorry love, we will be home soon-"

"Hi Georgie, how have you been~" a feminine voice hummed through the phone.
"It been awhile hasn't it."

George felt trapped in place, all the words he had just floated out of his mouth..
"I..." he felt his stomach sink to the floor.
"What do you want ace.. why are you calling me.."

"I saw you were in the area~ and I decided to send people dreams way to keep him company." Ace giggled through the phone, she sounded like she was forcing her voice to be happy.
"How about you and I have a friendly... chat."

George didn't like the sound of those, but as he was about to speak up to his friends.... He was cut off.

"You don't want your friends knowing that you are talking to me surely... not with your family's life at stake." Aces voice soon turned firm.
"Come meet me at this address I'm about to send you... I think it's best if we talk things out.... Alone."

George just listened as he heard the call end.. slowly and hesitantly staring down at his phone.... Fuck..

He watched as a notification popped up on his phone.. the address was familiar too him- surely ace was bluffing..

George gripped his phone firmly..soon checking if he brought his pocket knife with him.
"I have too.." his gaze sorrowed... his pups were at stake.
"I need to end this."

He glanced up at his friends and.... xD- they were all distracted.. hopefully they wouldn't mind if he left for a bit.

George turned turned and walked off towards the address... he has to deal with this himself- its his own fight he started...

It's his fault.


Sapnap hummed.. making sure everyone was in the limo.
"Alright." He took a few steps back.
"Don't puke in the limo, I don't want to clean it.... Dream will get mad.

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