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FCK it, George's birthday is in October, I am terrible with dates , I don't even knows the pups age. Too many stories to keep track of.

and cause I wanna write a late Halloween chapter ;(


George wandered out of the bathroom, wearing a fresh pair of clothes.
"Why are the pups whining.." he rubbed his eyes tiredly, mumbling to himself.
"I just want a bath.. just for 30 minutes."

Once George didn't get a response, he looked up.. why was it so silent..?

Dream was staring at George with tallie and Elio on his head.
"Erm." He had zuma on his lap with the laptop.
"I was uh... teaching the pups stuff.. sorry- tallie got upset that Elio was trying to cuddle her."

George was confused.... What stuff was Dream teaching the pups?! It better not be how to shoot a gun again.

Before Dream spoke he was cut off.

"Daddy says we go get costumes tomorrow!" Zuma held his hands up, smiling happily.
"And get a lot of Candy."

George tilted his head- rather confused... costumes.... Candy- wait.
"Wait- we're you talking about going out on Halloween?!" He smiled.

"I may have mentioned.. halloween...?" Dream anxiously chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck carefully.
"And now that's all they want to do.... Is trick or treat" He didn't know if George celebrated Halloween.

George's gaze soon brightened.
"We are taking the pups trick or treating?!" He quickly smiled, getting excited.

Dream blinked- shocked at how excited the omega is.
"Oh.. you want to go trick or treating..?" He tilted his head.
"I didn't think you were into it."

"I've always wanted to take the pups trick or treating! But you never seemed interested!" George quickly walked over, his scent having a mix of rose and lavender.
"So I never asked cause you'd say something along the lines of it's too dangerous."

"Well- is the only holiday I can have my gun out and people will think it's a prop."
Dream smiled- at least he was up For it.
"Besides.. the pups already picked there outfits and I'm getting them shipped here for tomorrow- with a few other things." He decided to get George's gifts and the pups there costumes.

"Aw! What are they going to be?" George walked over, sitting down next to them.
"I hope it's something cute at least.." knowing dream... he probably chose dumb outfits.

Dream slowly closed the laptop.
"Elio and tallie are going to be an Angel and a demon for halloween whilst zuma... what were you being again?" He looked down, lightly chuckling.

"A big scary kitty!" Zuma smiled, holding his hands in the air.

"Oh Jesus Christ Zuma- it's a wolf... not a cat." Dream pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I do need to get these kids some lessons." He mumbled under his breath.
"Cause I swear sometimes they act dumber then you."

"What! I'm not dumb!" George snapped, growling at Dream.

"I tell you to do one thing, you do the exact opposite," Dream turned to George, having an unimpressed look.

"Y'know what... fair." George sighed, lightly nodding- he just wanted to help.
"Anyways, it's a cute costume for them all."

Zuma giggled, nodding.
"Wolfy!" He sat on dreams lap.

George quickly smiled.
"I think those costumes are perfect for them all!" He hummed, ruffling zumas hair.
"Especially zuma be a wolf!"

"Yeah well... zuma had the choice between a flower or wolf- he chose the wolf cause he wanted to be like wolfy" Dream carefully picked tallie off his head, placing her on his chest.
"Tallies going to be a devil- she pointed at it.."

"A devil, that's cute." George picked Elio off dreams head.
"But it does fit as tallie fights with Elio a lot." He placed the runt on his chest.

Dream yawned, resting his head on the pillow.
"I'll invite Sapnap and Karl so calix can come along..." he rubbed tallies back.

"I'll invite Sam and ponk so luana can come!" George gladly tucked himself into bed, letting Elio knead his shirt.
"It will be amazing."

Dream nodded.
"Well get some rest..." he mumbled, slowly drifting to sleep.

"Goodnight dream." George quickly fell asleep soon after... if he only knew what tomorrow would hold for him.

.: Total word count: 816

This one's a short chapter because the next chapter is going to be- quite long. ._.

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