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George happily laid on the bed, staring at the laptop.
"Y'know, if you didn't want to watch the movie- we didn't have too." He glanced over, looking at Dream on an iPad.
"It seems you have work."

Dream shook his head, glancing at George.
"Sorry- I was trying to get furniture for the house." He anxiously laughed.
"I am watching the movie- I'm just furniture shopping next to you so I can get your opinions when I'm done."

George peaked over dreams shoulder.
"Are you getting a new couch?" He tilted his head in confusion.
"For that empty room..? It would be a nice reading space"

"Well- I'm just getting a bunch of stuff." Dream placed his iPad to the side.
"But yes, a lounge couch was one of them." He nodded.

George nodded, resting his head down on dreams shoulder before watching the movie once more.
"Thank you." He purred.

Dream glanced down at George after awhile... the brunette didn't seem overall happy- maybe there was something he could do to make George more happy.
"Hey- George?" He nudged the brunette.

George paused the movie before looking at Dream.
"Yeah..? What is it..?" He tilted his head.
"Did I disturb you-?"

"No! Nothing like that.. but Y'know what's something we haven't done in awhile." Dream smiled, chuckling softly.
"Like- in a really long time?" He grinned.

"What..?" George had a confused gaze, sitting up straight.
"What are you thinking?" He tilted his head again.

"We haven't gone shopping together in awhile!" Dream sat up, looking over at George.
"It would be nice to do something like that again!" He wanted George to be happy.
"I remember we always had fun doing it"

George softly smiled before nodding.
"It would be nice... but-" he smile soon faded.

Dreams gaze soon softened... did George not want to go..?
"But what..?" He adjusted himself.

"I have to watch the pups.." George rubbed his shoulder, speaking quietly.
"I don't think I can go.." he frowned.

"Don't worry about that- ponk offered to watch them and I'm going to watch them when we get back" Dream rubbed George's back, smiling happily.
"Ponks been wanting to spend time with the pups anyway- I brought him Elio and tallie before we watched the movie."

George nodded.
"Then I'd love to go- I really need a break." He hummed softly.
"I just need to change- is that alright?"

"Yeah! I haven't gotten to see you in one of your outfits in awhile!" Dreams smile grew, looking at George in a soft gaze.
"You've been exhausted- you need time." He always tells George this- and he hopes that George will listen this time.

George nodded once more.. he agreed with that.

"How about we get some food after as well? We could go get sushi or something?" Dream slid out of the bed, looking down at his outfit.... He should probably change.
"Somewhere nice!"

George soon slid out of the bed.
"Should I dress fancy then..? I don't want to embarrass you if we are going somewhere fancy." He rubbed his shoulder.... He's probably done it before.

Dream looked a little shocked at this statement.
"Nono- wear whatever you want!" He placed his hand on George's cheek.
"I don't care what others think- you won't embarrass me! I just want you to be happy."

.: my little pet :. Third .:. Where stories live. Discover now