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My apologies for the lack of updates, I've been writing a lot of a few other stories that I'm planning on releasing and I'll probably try and wrap up this long ass story.


George laid peacefully in the grass.. staring up at the sky..
"This is nice... relaxing and I'm completely loving this care free morning." He hummed.
"Aren't you..?"

As the brunette was about to relax- he heard laughing and cries for help....what..?


George looked over.. seeing the three pups jumping on Dream... trying to play with the blonde alpha.
"Pfft.." he sat up.
"They are loving you right now."

"LET ME LAY DOWN IN PEACE-" Dream tried sitting up.. but zuma wouldn't let him.
"PLEASE-" He was desperate.

"No!" Zuma laughed.. jumping onto Dream.
"Daddy plays with us!" He giggled.

George watched as Dream struggled too relax..
"Don't be too rough on him zuma, he's getting old." He smiled.

"Okay mama!" Zuma giggled.. hopping on dream whilst tallie and Elio played on both sides of him.

"IM NOT OLD!" Dream looked over at George, scoffing.
"I am still in my prime!" He snapped.

"Yeahh.. you sound like you are getting old." George chuckled, shaking his head.
"Jesus.." he looked straight ahead.
"Where has the time gone."

Dream was about to reply- but was cut off when tallie grabbed his hair.. tugging it.
"OW!" He snapped...

George chuckled.. shaking his head... what a bunch of weirdos.
"You are such an idiot..." he side glanced at Dream.

"This is your fault!" Dream snapped, looking at George.
"You aren't helping me!" He tried sitting up.
"You are letting me suffer!"

"Mhm.. your right." George stuck his tongue out.
"I'm not helping." He smirked.
"I'll let you suffer."

"Ass." Dream glared at George before Elio grabbed his eyebrow.
"OW!" He turned to Elio.

George rolled his eyes, soon looking forward..noticing Sapnap and Karl talking inside.
"Oh..?" He saw how stressed they were.
"I'll be right back dream.. I'm seeing what Sapnap and Karl are up too."

He turned to dream... seeing that he was too busy getting practically mauled to death by the pups... still.

George had an unimpressed look... yep..
"Alright.." he stood up, making his way towards the two inside..
"You have fun with that."


"It's okay Karl.. he's not upset anymore." Sapnap rolled his eyes, having his arms crossed.
"You can just talk to them about it? They are harmless." He was unimpressed with Karl.
"Well- sort of... im still cleaning blood off the driveway....Dream might be stubborn."

"I know... I just- feel bad disturbing them.." Karl was about to continue but was interrupted.
"The seem so happy right no-"

"You aren't disturbing us." George hummed, making his way inside.
"Dreams handling the pups right now.. I have time to talk." He smiled.
"For probably awhile at least."

Karl quickly turned... getting surprised when George walked out of nowhere.
"Oh sorry!" He faced George.
"You looked so happy out there, I didn't want to disturb you.."

"Don't worry about it karl." George rested his hands on his hips.
"Now what do you need to talk about." He nodded his head.
"You can tell me anything"

.: my little pet :. Third .:. Where stories live. Discover now