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I've been procrastinating~

George sighed, walking into the kitchen.
"Are you all ready?" He looked down at the pups.
"Too bake something nice?"

Zuma smiled quickly nodding as he looked up at George.
"Is daddy gonna come back and bake with us!" He held his hands up.
"I hope daddy comes."

"I don't know zumie." George softly smiled, holding tallie and Elio in his arms.
"He might be awhile- but once he gets back we can all play outside." He chuckled.

Zuma gasped, his smile growing happily as he hugged George's leg.
"Yay!" He was excited for Dream to return.
"I can't wait to play with my toys with daddy!"

George's gaze softened- hopefully he doesn't take too long.
"Do you wanna bake or do you wanna go play with your toys?"  He thought the pup would rather play with his toys.

Zuma thought for a few moments.
"Can you play with us too!" He smiled, tugging on George's pant leg.
"We wanna play with mama and siblings!"

George smiled, lightly nodding softly.
"Alright.. let's go into the living room.." he can bake once Dream gets back.
"We will play until your father returns.."

Zuma gasped.


George sat on the ground in the living room, his smile growing by the second.
"Careful you two." He saw Elio and tallie fighting- hitting each other repeatedly.
"Don't hurt each other now... stop fighting..."

Elio and tallie both stopped fighting, whining as they pouted next to each other... they wanted to continued fighting.

"Mean." Elio whined, puffing his cheeks out... looking away from tallie.

Tallie smack elio again, she didn't want to be called mean.

"Don't hit you brother tallie.." George hummed, lightly ruffling tallies hair.
"It's very rude.. same with you Elio, don't say meaning things about your sister" he spoke softly.

Tallie whined before nodding, carefully pouting.

George soon glanced at the time... Dream has been gone quite awhile.
"I hope everything's alright.." he smiled softly.
"He's been gone awhile and he hasn't messaged at all."

Zuma happily sat in George's lap, getting comfortable.
"Mama- when's daddy gonna be back.." he mumbled softly.
"I miss daddy.."

"I don't know.." George lightly brushed his fingers through zumas hair.
"I don't know when he will be back." He sighed.. at least he got the best present ever for his birthday.
"He said he wouldn't be gone long so he should be back fairly quick."

As George was about to get up- his phone rang- that must be dream checking it.

"Oh?" George carefully reached into his pocket- but it was instead Sapnap calling him.
"Hello?" He placed the phone up to his ear.
"What's up?"

'George-'Sapnap hesitantly spoke- having a very concerned tone.

"Oh! Hi Sapnap! Has Dream made it too the cabin..?" George perked up, looking down at the pups.
"He hasn't message or called me at all.."

'He did but- he's.. well? He isn't doing so well? I guess you could say?' Sapnap sounded severely concerned.
'Something hit him in the back of his head and he went unconscious.'

"WHAT!" George's eyes widened- Dream got knocked out.
"What happened?!" He quickly grew serious.
"Is he okay..?"

'Punz was trying to his me with a bat- Y'know the usual but as soon as Dream walked in.. then Punz hit him at the back of the head.. then he got knocked out.' Sapnap sighed, he sounded severely concerned.

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