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Dream smiled as he walked along the forest path, holding tallie in his arms.
"Im enjoying this." He hummed as he left tallie play with his scarf.
"It's so peaceful."

George followed behind, smiling.
"Me too." He held Elio in his arms.
"And I think zumas enjoy his time.. he's been trying to find sticks and throwing them."

Dream soon looked over at zuma.

Zuma was ahead of both of them, picking up random sticks to see which one was bigger.
"Big stick!" He picked one up that was twice the size of him, swinging it around.

Dream and George both looked over, letting out a soft chuckle.. this family was perfect.

"Y'know.. I've been thinking.." Dream smiled, thinking for a few moments before glancing at the omega next to him.
"Maybe it is time I retire from my work... I have so much money already- and I still have casinos to gain money." He looked forward, humming a soft tune as he swayed tallie to sleep.

George quickly perked up.
"Only- if you want too..?" He looked up at Dream, his smile softening.... As much as he wants Dream to quit, he won't force him to quit.
"It's not my decision to make dream"

"Once we are married I'll quit." Dream looked down at George, nodding softly.
"Alright..? Does that sound good?" He looked at Elio.
"Then we can live in peace."

George quickly nodded, his smile growing.
"When will we get married..?" He'd wait as long as he needed too.
"I'll wait as long as it's necessary."

"Whenever we think is right- hopefully 2-3 months... as a month is too soon if I think about it- so not this month." Dream thought carefully, humming a soft tune.
"We need to plan everything- shopping.. lots of stuff and cramping it in one month or would be hard."

George nodded, feeling extremely excited for that.
"I'm very excited." He looked down at Elio.
"Right Elio?"

Elio nodded, stretching his hands in the air.
"Yes mama..." he asked.. he was just way to tired.

Dream nodded in agreement.
"I'm excited too Elio." He nudged George's shoulder with his own.
"We should take them to the creek, it might be fun.. and we always have spare clothes for them."

"Oooh!" George looked at the pups, glancing up at zuma.
"Yeah! That sounds fun! We should do that!" He looked up at dream.
"Let's sit on the side and just watch the view."

Dream soon looked ahead, watching zuma once more.
"Sounds like a good plan." He hummed a soft tone.
"Cmon, it's not too far from here."


George sat on a rock, watching the alpha as he crouched near the creek.
"If you fall in, it's not my fault." He giggled, patting Elio on the back.
"But it would be funny."

"I won't fall in." Dream looked back, smiling as he saw tallie hugging George's leg.
"Don't worry about me." His gaze softened.
"But I need to talk to you about something later."

George soon had a confused gaze.
"What is it..? Did something happen?" He carefully picked tallie up, placing her on his lap.
"You can tell me now if you'd like..."

"Sort of-" Dream soon spoke in a semi serious tone.
"I've been wanting to tell you all night but I didn't know a good time." He rested his hands on his hips.
"So I'm deciding just to say it."

George's gaze softened.. is that why they went out to dinner- so Dream can make him happy before telling him something.
"Oh... well... what is it?" He mumbled.

"I'm having to go back to florida for some time to settle business up there.. your gonna have to stay here with the pups with Karl and ponk." Dream nodded, humming a soft tune soon after- he was expecting to having to argue.
"I'll be gone a few weeks but I have set everything up.. the food- comfort.. security and everything for the pups and you."

George sighed, nodding.
"Okay.. how long will you be?" His tone went quiet... he thought Dream wanted to just spend time with him and the pups- but it was just him regarding work.

"You'll have to st- wait, your alright with it?" Dream looked shocked- George was actually fine with it.
"Your not- upset."

"Don't worry, I'm not upset- maybe a tad be disappointed but it's alright."
George nodded softly.
"But how long will you be..?" He tilted his head to the side, repeating again.

"About a month." Dream rubbed the side of his neck.
"Or about 3 weeks." He spoke calmly.

It clicked in George's head- that's why Dream didn't want to get married this month.

"Oh- alright." George stood up, hold tallie and Elio... he should probably get them home.
"We should probably head back home- it's late and the pups are tired." He weakly smiled.
"I don't want them being eaten by mosquitoes."

Dream quickly realized how upset George was.
"Yeah- maybe we can watch a movie when we get ho-" he was cut off when his phone went off.
"Hold on-"

The blonde quickly checked who was calling him.

George chuckled as he shook his head.
"It's alright dream- it sounds like you have work to do.." he turned and began to walk.
"I'll wait in the car with Elio and tallie, make sure to bring zuma back."

Dream hung up his phone before watching George leave.... He felt like shit.
"Shit.." he mumbled, looking down.
"Sorry zuma, time to head home."

Zuma whined, walking over to Dream.
"Where did mama go..?" He looked around.
"He's gone.."

"He went back to the car, that's where we are going." Dream smiled before picking zuma up.
"We will leave your sticks here.. the animals around might need them." He nudged zumas nose.
"Alright zumie?"

Zuma nodded.
"Yes daddy! The wolfies might need them!" He giggled, holding his hands in the air.

Dream chuckled, nodding.
"Yeah, the wolves might need them." He began to walk in the direction George went.
"Hmm... Y'know zuma- we should get ice cream on the way home?"

Zuma quickly nodded.
"Yeah!!" He giggled, laughing.
"I want ice cream!"

Dream nuzzled Zumas forehead.
"Then we will get ice cream." He smiled.

"Yay!!" Zuma held his hands up.

Dream looked forward... hopefully george will be up for it.

Total word count: 1163

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