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Dream yawned as he tried reaching for the omega, patting the bed on where he was.
"Mmm.. George..?" He fluttered his eyes awake, seeing if George was there.

But too his surprise- George wasn't there, he was gone.

Dream sat up, looking around the room for a few moments before yawning again.
"I guess he went to go do something with Elio." He slid out of bed, making his way towards the door- soon making his way out of there room.

He made his way across the hall and nears the pups room, carefully open the door in case they were sleeping.

Dream looked around, they weren't there anymore-
"Where did..?" He closed the door, hearing a faint noise.

He made his way down the hall, glancing around for anybody... there was usually people around.

"Darli-" Dream peaked around the corner, seeing almost the entire team in the living room watching children shows.
"What.. the..fuck..?" He rubbed his eyes- thinking he was still asleep.


George laid comfortably on the couch, letting the three pups on his back- zuma was wide awake while tallie and Elio slept happily.

But The entire team all eventually woke up late ... and since Dream wasn't awake yet they all decided to watch tv shows before the alpha woke up.

"God- I'm so I'm glad Dream isn't awake yet." Punz stretched, resting his feet on the table.
"We get to sit back and relax whilst watching shows, this is the life I want." He had a satisfying hum, taking a sip of coffee.

Some hummed in agreement- others rolled there eyes, watching the tv.. they didn't mind getting up and working.

"Yeah, that's what you think."

Everyone froze whilst Punz choked on his drink- nearly spitting it out.

George glanced over, seeing Dream awake.
"Good morning love." He smiled, tilting his head.
"Sorry, they all wanted to watch the tv, and I didn't know what to say."

"Yeah.. but there's a problem too that." Dream crossed his arms, furrowing his brows.
"There supposed to be working and they all know that." He said firmly, snapping.
"You guys are literally being sent out on a mission later today!"

Ponk and Karl both glanced at each other before over at George- about to ask the same question, they weren't able to go out on the mission as they had to take care of there pups.

George had a confused look- what the fuck was he supposed to do?? He can't control the schedule- not anymore since he accidentally fucked it up for one of the missions.

"Not you both obviously, you need to stay and care for the pups." Dream understood there situation, they had to take care of the younger ones.
"Same with you Sam, You get to stay.. you need rest."

Sam had a huge sigh of relief, leaning back against the couch.
"Thank god.." he rested his hand on his forehead- gladly going back to sleep with luana on his chest.

"This isn't fair!" Sapnap spoke up.
"I should stay too!" He huffed, crossing his arms.
"I never get too stay."

"No, your going." Dream pinched the bridge of his nose.
"You've been able to get sleep, Sam has been needing too get up at 3 in the morning everyday." He glared back at the beta.
"Now everyone- get too work"

They all groaned before getting up and going to do there part in the mansion.

Sapnap pouted- he wanted to stay back with calix.
"This sucks." He growled under his breath.
"And unfair."

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