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Sorry for my lack of posting for this story.


"It's amazing.." George stared at the bed, holding tallie and Elio.
"Thank you so much!" He looked up at Dream, having a happy look on his face.
"This is the best present ever dream!"

Dream held zuma against his shoulder.
"Of course George." He smiled... he enjoyed seeing the omega so happy.
"I knew you wanted one for awhile, and I have felt guilty for not being able to gift you one after moving."

George gently rested Tallie and Elio on the bed, letting them get comfortable.
"There you go loves..." he sat down at the edge of the bed.
"You can rest now.... Get comfortable alright..?"

Tallie and Elio both kneaded the blanket before snuggling into the soft material... they were rather tired after opening some of George's presents.

Elio rubbed his eyes, mumbling.
"Mama..?" He looked up, holding his hand out.

"I'm gonna lay down soon love." George ruffled the top of elios head, letting the pup lay back down.

Dream smiled- until he got a notification, soon looking at his phone.

George looked over at Dream, seeing the blonde was soon focused on his phone.
"Everything alright..?" He furrowed his brows, seeing the look on dreams face.. he looked focused.
"You look- stern?"

Dream quickly snapped his head up when George spoke to him,
"OH! Sorry- I was checking something." He rubbed the back of his head.
"I made plans later tonight and I was seeing if it was still alright to go."

"Oh, if you want to go now you can, just do your early." George nodded, softly smiling.
"I don't mind watching the pups whilst you do work." He nudged his head.
"I love spending time with the pups."

"Oh- Nono-" Dream shook his head.
"It doesn't involve work at all george, but it does involve all 5 of us going out." He looked at George then at the pups.
"I was gonna take us out to dinner~"

"Wait! Really??"
George looked a little shocked.
"Where were you thinking of going?" He quickly got excited.

"I made a reservation at some fancy restaurant for your birthday." Dream rubbed the back of his head, softly chuckling.
"I was hoping you'd like to go-"

"Of course I'd like to go!!"
George's smile grew, quickly nodding.
"But what about the pups..?" He grew worried.
"People might get upset there are children there..."

"I have already thought ahead of thag." Dream rested his hand on George's cheek.
"I got us a private room for all of us, it was expensive but worth it." He nodded.
"Just a few pennys"

"Expensive shouldn't be in your vocabulary." George scoffed, rolling his eyes as he smiled.
"Your very rich." He kept his smile very apparent.

"Mhm, I am quite rich." Dream nudged his head.
"Let's let the pups rest.. we have a few hours to spare until we have to go." He looked at the bed, nudging his head towards it.
"So How about I get my laptop and we watch a movie, like old times Y'know?"

George quickly nodded.
"Yeah... I'd enjoy that a lot." He felt eternally happy.
"But not horror- the pups will be watching and there gonna cry."

"Yes yes, I know." Dream looked at zuma, seeming him softly snoozing on his shoulder.
"I'm gonna put on a nice movie." He nuzzled zumas cheek.

George smiled... he was glad to be with such a nice alpha.


George rested his head on dreams chest, smiling as he watched the movie play on the laptop.
"Mhm.." he adjusted himself.

Dream had his arm wrapped around George, having his other arm wrapped around zuma.
"Are you enjoying the movie zumie?" He smiled softly.

Zuma nodded, leaning into dreams side.
"Yes daddy." He mumbled, hugging Dream.
"I like the movie."

Dream smiled.. but before he could speak- Elio laid on top of his head.
"Elio?" He laughed faintly.
"Are you enjoying the movie?"

Elio nuzzled the top of dreams head, giggling as he held on.
"Yes- Dad-dy!" He nuzzled the blonde, hugging his head.

Dream felt joy in this moment- being with his family.. not having to care about work.... Laying next to his mate... he felt like the happiest alpha on the planet.
"It was a good damn idea too have more pups.. i don't know how it would have been without Elio and tallie.." He looked at George before looking at the pup sleeping on the omegas side.

George shot a glare at Dream, scrunching his nose.
"It was my idea to have more pups." He grumbled, rubbing tallies back as she slept.
"You didn't think it was such a good idea at the time."

"At the time- yes.. but now! it was a good damn idea." Dream chuckled, nodding his head.
"I'm glad things worked out." He smiled, nodding.

George grumbled, scrunching his nose.
"Yeah, I am too." He soon smiled, leaning his head on dreams shoulder.
"We should probably get ready soon."

"Mhm." Dream nodded, sitting up.
"I can go and get the pups ready if you want to go change, I brought the clothes too the closet earlier." He smiled, nodding.

George carefully moved tallie onto Dreams lap, nodding lightly.
"I'll go change." He carefully made his way towards the entrance of the bed.
"I'll see you after."

Dream nodded again, watching the brunette slide out.
"Alright, I'll get you once I'm done changing the pups." He hummed.
"Just don't take too long."

.: George POV :. Closet .:.

George walked into the walk-in closet, looking around at all the clothes.
"Hmm..." he looked at all the various clothes.
"What should I wear... I need to look nice.."

He looked through his various outfits... trying to find the nicest outfit he could- he couldn't let Dream spend so much money just to look awful at dinner.

But As George was looking, he was taking various outfits off the rack and looking at them before hanging them back up on the rack.

"Mm.. too basic." George placed the outfit back on the rack before taking another outfit off.
"Too formal." He sighed, putting it back.

As he continued looking- his attention turned too a certain outfit.

"Oh? What's this one?" George pulled off the familiar outfit, his face burning bright red-
"I-" he saw the familiar stripper outfit.. god- that night was awful.
"God.. I can't believe I'm seeing this again..."

He hung the outfit back up, looking at all the other various outfits.

George softly smiled.. this brought him back to the good times...
"God- i miss fighting and helping out..." the omega missed the thrill of the fights... but Dream didn't think he was very much fit for it.
"But I have a family I need to protect now."

He sighed, frowning faintly.. he missed the past - but he didn't miss the constant being shot and wounded.

George soon picked a light blue turtle neck, smiling as he looked at it.
"I'll wear this." He nodded to himself.
"Hopefully dream will enjoy it...."

"You almost ready George?"

George turned his head.
"Yep! Just changing now and I'll be ready to go!" He giggled, his smile growing as he looked back at his shirt.

His life was amazing... this dinner will be amazing.

Total word count: 1318

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