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I got lazy so time skip until they are at the restaurant.


Dream sat down on the private booth, holding tallie with one arm.
"This private room is rather nice." He hummed, his smile growing.
"It's been awhile since I've been here."

George looked around.
"You've been here before I'm guessing?" His attention turned to dream, tilting his head.
"Who's the lucky girl~"

Dream scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"I went here with Sapnap, Karl and Wilbur- we came for a meeting with someone that owed me a lot of money and never showed up to pay" he rubbed tallies back, shrugging.
"But we enjoyed our time there."

George chuckled, placing Elio down in his lap.
"Come on zuma, you can sit down as well with us." He nudged his head, smiling.
"Why don't you sit in the middle?"

"Okay mama!"
Zuma happily gasped, sliding under the table and crawling onto the seat- sitting in the middle.
"Yay!" This was his first time at a restaurant like this.

Dream smiled, looking down at tallie.
"Are you hungry tallie?" He hummed, rubbing her cheek.
"Or are you still asleep..?"

Tallie rubbed her eyes, whining.
"Mm-a." She whined, looking over at George before up at Dream with a tired look.

Dreams smile grew, the alpha was extremely happy in that moment.

George's smile quickly grew, holding Elio carefully.
"Awww!" He hugged Elio faintly.
"Your sister finally spoke! Tallie! I'm so proud"

Elio made a happy noise, holding his hands in the air.
"Yay!" He giggled, his smile growing.. he was happy that everyone else was happy.

Dream nuzzled tallie, feeling utter joy from the pups first words.... He always felt so much joy when they spoke for the first time.
"Adorable." He nuzzled the baby pup.

Tallie happily giggled, nudging Dream faintly.

Zuma smiled, feeling utter joy that his siblings spoke.
"I'm happy!" He tapped the table, holding his excitement down.

George and Dream both looked at zuma, both feeling utter joy as they both ruffled zumas hair at the same time.. they were proud to have such an amazing child.

Zuma giggled, looking at the alpha and omega.
"I love you mama and daddy." He perked up, looking between them.

"We love you too Zuma." George and Dream both spoke at the same time.. they loved Zuma so much.
"So much."

As zuma was about to speak- and Individual walked in.. making him go quiet.

"Hello, I'll be your waiter for this evening." The waiter held three menus in there hand.
"Would you like any child menus?" He looked at zuma with a calm liked look.
"Or are you all alright on adult menus."

Zuma lowered himself faintly, rather shy of the waiter.
"Scary." He whispered.

"We will be alright." Dream nodded... he already knew what Zuma was going to order- and he'd probably have to order for tallie and Elio.. which they'd enjoy veggies.

"Alright.. what can I start you all off for drinks?" The waiter placed down the menus, pulling out a note pad.
"We have a special on champagne today."

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