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George sat in the passenger side, staying silent as Dream drove..... he was anxious..

All the pups were asleep in the back, snuggled with small blankets.

Dream awkwardly drove the car, glancing at the two...
"So why am I doing this again..?" He sighed.
"I have work to do regarding schl-"

"Schlatts dead, Hannah's dead, and ace is dead." George mumbled, staring out the window.... Might as well say who's dead.
"There's not much work other then your drug and weapon deals... other then managing your casinos." He crossed his arms, humming.

Dream blinked- how the fuck.

George's gaze softened... he just wanted Dream to remember.
"I wish you'd remember..." he mumbled quietly.
"We were very close..."

Dream sighed, looking forward.
"Judging by all the evidence you know... you might be right of us being together- but I can't remember as much as I want too." He continued driving.

George lightly nodded, sighing.... Maybe he can help him remember.

Dream tapped the wheel, he felt guilty.
"Then- can you tell me some memories we had?" He glanced over at George.
"It might help."

"What kind of memories." George turned to dream, gladly able to tell memories about each other.

"Hm.. I guess good and bad memories...? It might help me remember." Dream hummed softly, smiling.
"I'd like to remember.."

"Well- one of my favourite memories was at the cabin with all of us... me, you and zuma were out playing in the snow having fun together." George looked out the window, his smile growing.
"I was carrying zuma and you were trying to hit me with a snowball and you accidentally hit zuma in The face." He began lightly chuckling, shaking his head.

Dream smiled at the thought.
"Did I hurt him?" He was a tad bit worried for that.

"No, you scared him though- he was in a state of shock." George's gaze soon shallowed.
"So where are you driving too exactly..." he looked over at Dream, his voice shallowing.
"As I've had a feeling you want to get rid of us."

Dreams gaze softened.
"I was gonna drive until I found somewhere for you all to stay that's safe- but a feeling in me is telling me to drive and learn more... so I'm going to the cafe to get.... Zuma-... his cake pop...." He looked at his hand, noticing the ring on his finger.

It was an emerald ring... his eyes widened faintly- he remembered this- he remembered this ring.

George's attention turned to the ring on dreams finger.
"We have matching ones.... I got you an emerald one for your birthday..." he showed Dream his hand, the ring he had.
"You got me a sapphire one...see....?"

Dream looked at George's hand, his eyes widening.
"Wait-" he quickly pulled over the car, parking it near a forest side.

George jumped, quickly looking around at where there were.
"Uh- surely we can't get out here-" he couldn't-
"I can't take the pups..."

"Nonono- don't go" Dream looked at the ring on his finger.
"I remember this- I remember..." his eyes widened faintly... George gave him this.

George's eyes widened- dream was remembering...?

"I remember someone giving this too me- someone close and special" Dream felt his head ache, looking over at George.
"You must have been the one to give it too me.." he mumbled, his eyes widening with awe.

"I did.." George softly smiled- so Dream could get him memories back.
"I was the one that gave it too you..."

(Amnesia usually lasts a few minutes too a week)

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