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.: time skip : morning :.

Dream frowned, he was trying to talk to George all morning.. but the brunette was too busy.
"Fuck." He leaned back in his chair trying to think.
"I don't know what to do... what do I say to him..."

"Have you ever thought of just- staying home and actually helping out around your new house....?." Sapnap sat across dreams office, crossing his arms.
"Instead of being on a mission for a month?- good idea in my opinion"

"I don't understand why he's upset though-" Dream looked down on his desk, trying to think or understand.
"I'm trying to figure it out-" he Tapped his desk.

"I don't know- maybe because YOUR NEVER FUCKING THERE! Instead of being at your new house right now! Your here working!." Sapnap leaned back on his chair... he was annoyed at this point.
"I wonder why he's upset! he's been treated like shit the past few days.... And you just lied to him and bought him a shit ton of gifts- only to go out just to tell him that you have to go for a month, you think he's happy right nos?"

Dream was about to speak but cut off.

"Plus- when was the last time he was truly happy?" Sapnap rested his head on his hand, having an unimpressed look.
"For more then a day at least." He sighed.
"Days..? Weeks?? Maybe months?"

Dream was about to speak- but cut himself off.... When was George happy for the last time?
"I-" his gaze softened.
"I don't know-"

"How about you just- stop with this work stuff for a bit and leave it to me and wilbur." Sapnap waved his hand, pointing at the door.
"And spend time with George and try and make him happy." He stood up.

Dream thought for a few moments, standing up.
"Please." He made his way around his desk.
"I really want to fix this."

"Goodluck.." Sapnap looked at Dream.
"Your going to need it with dealing with George." He knew George was probably still angry.

"I have an idea." Dream smiled to himself.
"I should hurry as I need to drive back." He hummed.

.: George POV:.

George frowned, folding a shirt before putting it away.
"There.." he yawned, rubbing his eyes.
"All the clothes folded...."

He rubbed his eyes, trying to keep himself awake...

George spent most the morning cleaning and taking care of the pups.

As he was about to lay down- he was startled.

"Mama! Mama!!"

George looked over, seeing zuma quickly wander into the room.
"Oh, hello zumie." He smiled, crouching down as he faced the pup.
"Aren't you supposed to be- well? In class with bad?"

"Bad said I can show you!"
Zuma wandered over, holding a paper.
"Look! Bad said I did good on mat-h!" He held it up to George.
"See?? I got a star!"

George smiled before grasping the paper, seeing the scribbles and the very easy math equations.
"You did very good zuma." He ruffled the pups hair.
"I'm very very proud of you love, keep up the hard work."

Zuma happily gasped, having a happy look.
"Do you think daddy will be proud..?" He wanted Dream to be proud.
"I hope he will be..I worked hard"

"Of course he will be proud, he will always be proud of you."
George nodded, rubbing zumas cheek.
"He's at work right now.. so how about when he gets home we can show him..?." He nudged his head.
"I need to stay and watch Tallie and Elio for right now"

Zuma was about to speak.

"What's going on?"

"Oh- Speak of the devil, he's home."
George glanced over, seeing the blonde with a bag in his hand.
"Zuma did well on his math work, and he came to show me." He handed zumas back the paper.
"Go show him zumie."

Zuma happily nodded before stumbling over to Dream, holding up the paper.
"Bad said I did good!" He smiled.
"See daddy? I got a star! Mama said I did good too!!"

Dream leaned down, looking at the paper... zuma almost got perfect marks- even if it's simple math.
"Wow zuma! You did amazing! Great job!!" He looked at zuma, rubbing the top of his head proudly.
"I'm proud that you did well! continue the hard work alright??"

Zuma felt overwhelmed with joy.
"I need to go give it back to bad now! He said he will frame it for me!" He quickly walked passed Dream.
"Bye daddy! Bye mama!"

Dream smiled, watching as the pup walked off.
"I guess it's a good thing that we let bad and skeppy stay to teach the pups" he looked over at George.
"He's a good teacher."

"Yeah, I'm glad bad has the time to be there private teacher."
George nodded, softly humming before looking over at the swing bed.
"I'm sorry for how I acted yesterday... I was just upset... it won't happen again-"

Dream quickly perked up, shaking his head.

"Nonono- don't apologize George!" Dream quickly shook his head, placing the bag down.
"You were right to be upset- I haven't been around and I'm sorry." He took a deep breath.
"And what I did was wrong."

George frowned, walking up to the swing bed.
"I was being dramatic about it.." he looked at tallie and Elio, adjusting the blanket for them.
"I don't know why I said all those things.."

"No, you weren't being dramatic about it george." Dream made his way towards the end of his bed.
"You were right about everything...." He nodded, looking down at the floor.
"I did run from my problems and I looked down on you.."

George's gaze softened.. he didn't want Dream to be away from the pups.
"I know.." he carefully brushed tallies hair out of her face.
"Everyone does.."

"I decided to stay instead of going back to Florida- I'm handing all my work to Sapnap and Wilbur to split." Dream sat at the end of the bed, continuing to stare down at the ground.

George looked back at Dream, smiling softly.
"It's okay if you want to go... I don't mind watchin-" he got cut off.

"I'm staying, I want too and need too." Dream repeated, looking up at George with a soft gaze.
"I'm stopping all this work- it's time to stop." He wanted to stick around.
"I need to start focusing on the family more."

George felt glad to hear those words.
"Help would be nice, and it would be better with you around.." he rubbed the side of his head.
"Are you sure that your able too."

"I'm sure." Dream stood up, walking towards George.
"It's what I want to do." He smiled.

"Are you free now then..?" George tilted his head.. hoping that Dream had time.
"If not- it's okay... you are busy a lot." He interlocked his fingers.

"I'm free." Dream rested his hands on his hips.
"Do you have something in mind?" He hummed softly.
"We could do something."

George nodded, reaching over at the nightstand.
"Here." He grabbed dreams laptop.
"How about a movie..?"

.: total word count: 1287:.

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