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George sat on the ground, getting surrounded with gifts.
"Uh.. this- is too much.." he anxiously laughed, looking around.
"Way to much just for me...."

"Well-don't blame us! it was mostly Dream that got you most these things." Karl glanced over at Dream in another room, seeing him trying to pick up the pups-
"He's just gonna be a few moments with the pups then he will be in here."

Ponk chuckled faintly.
"Sapnap and Sam are busy, but they said to start without us." He smiled.
"Zuma, calix and luana are with him- since.. Y'know." 

Ponk nudged his head over, making an X with his fingers..

George nodded- xD wasn't very trustable.

"You should pick a gift to open first!" Karl piped up, smiling happily.

George looked around for a gift to open.. this was too much.
"I just asked for a blanket.." he mumbled- looking anxiously around.
"Not... this- much..."

Before anyone spoke- Dream did.

"Sorry- I just wanted you to be spoiled today." Dream walked in, carrying Elio and tallie.
"Since.. I did ruin your actual birthday- I wanted to make it better with gifts." He hummed.

Elio and tallie were both exhausted but still wanted to participate.

"This is a bit much- a few would have been find..." George looked around, a little nervous.
"I don't even know which to open first.." he was practically surrounded by various gifts.

Before Dream spoke- someone else did.

"You should open mine first~" xD walked in next to dream, resting his hands on his hips.
"I spent a lot on it- much more then your own mate.. that's for sure" he felt cocky.

Dream soon felt annoyed with his brother... xD may have spent more- but he knew his gift will be the better one.

George looked at xD before glancing around.
"I guess I can." He soon looked around for the gift.. trying to find it.

"It's the small one on your left." xD soon sat down on the empty couch, looking over at Dream- nudging his head.
"You should sit down as well." He had a smirky hum.
"You should Pay more attention to your mate, especially on his birthday~"

Dream scrunched his nose.
"Tch." He sat on the couch, away from xD.
"Don't even start xD"

George blinked before looking over at the small bag.
"Alright- I'll just open this one first." He reached into the bag, pulling out a small box.
"... and save the good ones for after this." The omega mumbled silently under his breath- just enough for him only to hear.

He knew Dream would take the time to get things that make him happy.. whilst xD will just try to empress.

xD glanced over at dream, having a faint smirk under his mask before looking at George.

Dream scoffed, leaning back with a confident look... at this point- it was a competition who pleased George better with there gifts.
"You can open them whenever love" he soon calmed himself, smiling.

George opened the small box, looking at the blue gem necklace.
"Oh- thank you.. xD." He faintly smiled, scrunching his nose..... he wasn't really a fan of much jewelry.
"It's.. pretty."

"It's a 30.000$ baby blue diamond necklace." xD felt confident in his gift.. he just wanted to get a better gift then Dream.
"Top notch from on of the most expensive stores... only the best for an omega."

Dream rolled his eyes, trying not to snicker to himself.. he knew that George didn't like the gift- he knew he didn't like loads of jewelry, only rings.

Karl and ponk were speechless- that was an expensive gift... and George wasn't even- cheery about it?!

Ponk lightly chuckled.. George was probably just going to give it away.

"George darling, why don't you open that letter beside you next." Dream placed Elio and tallie on the ground.
"It's your main gift." He hummed, smiling softly.

"This one?"
George glanced over on his right, soon grasping the letter.
"Alright, I'll open this one." He soon began to open it, being very careful with it.

Dream soon shot a satisfied glared towards xD-
"You'll enjoy you gift a lot." He smirked.
"Much more then a necklace."

xD scoffed, rolling his eyes... he still felt confident.

Dream watched as George Eventually opened the letter, beginning to read it throughly.

"It's being set up right now, that's why Sam and Sapnap aren't here." Dream nudged his head, continuing to watch the look on George's face.
"It's being set up in our room In the spare corner, now you can sleep there whenever"

George began to read.. some- receipt? Why did dream give him a receipt..?
"Wait-" his eyes soon widened when he saw what the item was... did Dream really get him one?!

Dream watched as George looked at him with a happy look.
"Pfft." He chuckled.

"YOU GOT ME A NEW ONE?!" George gasped, perking up.
"REALLY! ARE YOU SERIOUS!!" He held the receipt.

"Yes George, I am serious."
Dream nodded, smiling faintly.
"Most of this stuff is for that actually." He laughed, looking down at the pups- seeing them playing with the other gifts in curiosity.
"It's similar to the one from the first house."

xD was utterly confused- what the fuck did he get?!
"Tch.. what did he even get you?" He sounded rather annoyed.

"He got me a floating swing bed." George happily smiled, feeling really happy.. now he finally will have a place to relax for himself.
"I used to have one- but we always moved! So I can't really take the time to enjoy it!"

xD had the most confused look on his face... he got the brunette a 30.000$ necklace... yet- he still chooses a swing bed??
"Uh- that's... nice

Dream looked over at xD, smirking.
"I know him better." He stuck his tongue out faintly, whispering aggressively.
"A meer necklace won't impress him."

xD gritted his teeth.

"He's not yours." Dream had a confident look.
"Get that through your head." He continued to whisper just enough for xD to understand.
"Before I force it into your head."

George quickly looked over at Dream.
"Can I see it now..?" He was very happy.
"Or should I open all the gifts first-"

"Why don't we leave the pups to open them...? They seem to like it." Dream leaned over, looking at the pups.
"And I know your gonna get tired most way opening them."

Elio and tallie were both trying to rip the paper off the gifts, whining as they struggled.

George giggled softly, nodding his head.
"Yes, they can open them.. there might not be anything interesting for them but if they want too." He ruffled the tops of there heads.

Dream tilted his head, standing up as he walked over.
"How about we take the gifts and presents with us into our room." He glanced over at his brother.
"Away from the trouble."

xD growled at Dream, he was not in a good mood anymore after Dream practically made a fool of him.

George nodded, picking the two pups up.
"Cmon you two!" He chuckled, nuzzling them.

Dream soon looked over at Karl and ponk.
"I'm glad you two could make it." He hummed, smiling softly.
"It means a lot,"

Karl and ponk both smiled, nodding.

"But I really should be going pretty quick." Karl yawned, stretching his arms.
"I got work I need to complete, since it's my shrift delivering the stuff around." He hummed.
"I'm glad I got to spend time here though."

George tilted his head in confusion... delivery..?

Dream patted George's shoulder.
"It's work stuff George." He hummed, ruffling the omegas hair.
"Now come on- the bed should be finished soon."

Total word count: 1304

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