Part 24

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I walk to my art class with my canvas in my hands.

Once I get into the class I find my usual seat and wait for the teacher

When I woke up this morning James wasn't in bed. He lefts a note in the nightstand but he doesn't reply to his phone

I tried to call him because I like hearing his voice when I woke up. It make me feel on a good mood but except the note I have nothing

Morning baby

Hope you sleep well. I'm sorry I'm not next to you this morning but I have something important to do.

I'll be at home when you'll come back from your class

I love you
                   James <3

I sigh at the thought of him. I want to wake up with him every morning and fall asleep every night in his arms

I'm already forgetting his voice. It's been so long that I didn't saw or heard of him

Okay that's not true. It's been only a morning but still

I miss him

I don't want to worry about the fact that he doesn't reply to my texts. But if I don't find him at home I'll be worried

The teacher comes into the class and starts her lesson. I try to pay attention but when I try to think about art I immediately think about that famous morning

The morning where I paint James and we ended up in bed right before his parent came to the house by surprise

I swear everyday with James I have a heart attack

One day he wasn't in his house when I woke up from my nap so I went to shower. I swinged my hips to the beat of the music screaming out of my speaker

I came out and wrap my body inside a towel. I dried my hair and put my body cream on my body

Once I was finish I came out of the bathroom and walk to his closet to find some clothes. At that time I hadn't so much clothes in his house so I was stealing his

I still do it but that another story

Anyways I was saying that I went to his closet and when I found what I was looking for I came out and I literally jump when I saw James sats on his bed with his phone on his hands

He is a ninja I know it now. Always so discreet and quiet.

At the end of the class we all give her our canvas before going out. Remember the canvas I needed to do and I start panicking at James house because I still hadn't done it ?

Well it was for today so I give it to her and I get out of the class. I walk to the bus stop and wait for my bus to show off

Our teacher told us that our art books need to be finish for in 1 month. We have to draw many paint and make it in a art book

That's why I asked James to paint his office 3 or 4 months ago. I have 9 paintings already done and I want 15 paintings in total

I want to draw people for my latest paintings. For my nine first I painted views and rooms. Now I want to paint James and Kellie. I'll paint my mom too and I want to paint Kellie's parent.

Kellie texts me saying her and Travis were going to see her parent in the week end and she asks me if I wanted to come.

Of course I want to come but I want to bring James with me. She says that there were no problem and that James could come

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