Willow - Nuisance

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We sit facing one another at the polished library table. My elbows rest on it, my head in my hands. This research is making me want to smash one of these ridiculously large books over my head. 

I stare, unblinking, at her face, trying to get an ounce of attention. I drum my fingernails on a book once - the sound sharp and satisfying. I do it again. And again. I do it until she looks up.

I smirk at my success and her expression is icy. I narrow my eyes but offer a smile. 

"Stop it."  Willow says, voice prickly like a thorn. 

I pout and as soon as she's returned to her study, I rap on the book again. She glares at me but I remain unfazed. She's cute when she's cross.

She looks down and I tap on the table. Her hand flies up and presses mine down harshly. I smirk, "Getting handsy now, are we?"

Her cheeks flush as red as her hair - a mixture of agitation and embarrassment. She lets go. 

I lick my lips. She's been so busy recently, studying for school and demon hunting. This is the first moment we've had alone in weeks, and she won't even talk to me. 

"Will," I say, leaning closer, "Aren't you bored?"

"No..." she says quietly, uncertain. I lean in more, brushing my thumb over my lower lip. I then reach out to touch Willow's. She closes her eyes.

"Don't you have anything better you could be doing?" I press. I pull my chair closer, my leg bumping into hers. I'm able to run my hand up her thigh. 

"Stop," she breathes and I remove my hand immediately. My thumb drops from her lips too. She looks up at me, startled, eyes wide. "We have to get this done. The demon..." her half-hearted protest dies on her lips because now she's the one edging closer. She's so close I can smell her, so close I can feel the heat radiating off her. Her nose almost touches mine.

"Yes...?" I say.

"It's important," Willow replies, face still directly in front of mine, still so, so, so close. 


"I want to kiss you." Willow breathes. 

"Do you now?" I tease, tucking her hair behind her ear. She touches my cheek, softly. Slowly, too slowly, she closes in and kisses me. Fireworks erupt on my lips as she moves against me. I open my mouth wider to accommodate, she feels amazing

Her tongue begs for entrance and I accept. I'm about to put my hand back on her leg when I hear the library door swing open...

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