(⚠Don't read if you haven't watched S4 Ep16)
The cemetery is cold and eerie, the midnight moon providing the only source of light. You admire the glimmer it gives off and take a deep breath. Fresh air fills your lungs and you can't help smiling.
Your pleasure lasts all of seven seconds before you hear a mocking voice call from behind you.
"Enjoying the night air, beautiful? Maybe next time try somewhere with a smaller population of blood-sucking fiends."
You turn your head, expression bored, expecting to see a cocky vampire that'll be easy to slay.
Your eyes widen.
It's dark but you don't miss his wink. He's leaning on the side of the crypt, wearing all black.
The last time Angel lost his soul was after he'd slept with Buffy. You push the thought out of your head - Buffy would never cheat on you.
She would never. Right?
"That's right." he snarls as he starts to walk over to you.
You stand your ground but your gut is telling you to run.
"How did this happen?" you ask, more to yourself than to him. It takes all your strength to keep your voice steady.
"You know, saw Buffy again. Couldn't resist me. That's all it takes."
You start to feel violently ill.
"Oh!" he gasps sarcastically. "That look... don't tell me you're in love with her!"
You swallow.
"And I'm in love with them too."
Buffy's voice rings loud and clear through the silent graveyard. She seemed to appear out of nowhere, but now she's standing between you and Angelus.
His face morphs and his eyes turn a piercing yellow. "Buffy, darling." he toys.
"What the hell are you doing here?" she half-shouts.
"Come on, Buffy. You're just going to blatantly lie to your lover like that? Have you forgotten about last night?" he smirks, his words cutting through you like a dagger.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
You examine her face - she seems genuine. She turns to you, shiny eyes searching yours. "I didn't y/n. Please believe me."
"I want to, Buffy... but what is he talking about?" you say, the hurt evident in your voice.
Buffy gasps, as if having an epiphany. Then she shudders and cringes. "Oh no!" she moans, throwing her head back in the air. "No! Ewwww!"
You look at her confused. She looks at Angelus and then back at you. "Yesterday!" she shouts, as if it should be obvious, "Faith and I. We switched bodies! That... ugh! She..."
You open your mouth in shock as you realise.
"I am going to kill her!" Buffy yells, anger rising.
"Buffy? There's still a very evil vampire right in front of us."
"Oh yeah."
Angelus pounces on Buffy before she has a chance to brace herself. He pushes into her body, knocking her backwards. Buffy gets up straight away and kicks him in the calf. He winces in pain and she does it again. She punches his jaw swiftly and jabs him in the ribs.
You stand back, wanting to help. Your eyes dart to the fighters and something in your brain clicks.
You start whispering a spell. Simple. Short. Latin. You close your eyes, trying to get all the words right. A shriek makes you jolt your head up. Buffy's holding a tiny vampire in her palm. She drops the miniature Angelus, sending him tumbling to the ground.
"Did you do that?" Buffy questions, picking up the now-unconscious vampire.
"Yeah! I didn't think it would work! Willow showed me a spell ages ago when I wanted to shrink one of my baggy t-shirts."
"Well, it worked alright!" Buffy smiles, slipping the small Angelus into the front pocket of her blouse. His head peaks out of the top; he looks like a figurine.
A few seconds of awkward silence pass.
"Buffy, I- I'm sorry I didn't trust you. I know you'd never... you know."
"It's okay. You were shocked and scared-"
"I was not scared!" you interrupt.
Buffy just smirks and brings you into a tight hug. "I love you." she whispers into your ear.
You pull away quickly and Buffy pouts.
"I didn't want to squash Angel." you chuckle.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Preferences + imagines/one shots
VampireSpike, Buffy, Willow, Xander, Tara, Anya preferences and lots of imagines (mostly Spike tbh). Imagines include all the above + Faith, Vampire Willow and more Don't forget to vote/follow :) ☺ #buffythevampireslayer #5 in 'Buffy' 12/05/22 #1 in 'buff...