Spike - Errand

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Spike's POV

"This is the last of it," she tells me, pouring the blood into a tall glass until it's full to the brim. I thought she'd be grossed out by it,  but I suppose after living at the hell mouth for so long, you get desensitised. Still, I'd rather do it myself but she feels, what, guilty for staying here? We haven't had that conversation yet but it's not her fault she's here and really, I don't care. If anything, she makes the crypt a little brighter. 

That's not exactly true... I do care. I don't think my place is the safest for anyone. Sure, it's safer than the broken home she fled from, but I'm a vampire - I have debts and enemies and a bucket load of 'bad vibes' as Xander loves to tell me. I wish she were somewhere safer, but for now, I'll do the best I can. 

"I'm getting more from the butchers' tonight." I assure her, taking the glass from her small hand, except, I don't. She lets go when she thinks I've got it and - although I pride myself on my quick reflexes - it tumbles out of my grasp. Scarlet spills everywhere. 



She's cute when she's embarrassed. "Well, I'll go to Mike now, then." I say.

"Mike? You're on a first name basis with the guy who smuggles you blood?"

"I go there often enough." I shrug, but she puts out a hand to block me. 

"I can do it," she smiles, picking up her coat, "I could do with some fresh air."

"No, I'll do it." I tell her, but her foot is out the door, "At least let me come with you!"

"It's fine!" she calls over her shoulder, "I'll see you later, Spike."

"Be back for nine!"

"Yeah, yeah!" she agrees faintly, already out of sight. 

I curse under my breath at the mess before me and get to cleaning. Maybe that's why she wanted to do it, to avoid mopping this up. As if I'd make her, it was my fault. 


"Nine, my arse." I mutter, channel surfing. I've watched enough Murder, She Wrote reruns and I can't stand Friends... I wish Passions was on.  Trust Y/N to turn a simple errand into a catch up with Willow or a shopping spree - she gets side tracked so easily. Not that I can really fault her though, I like how she lives in the moment but still - how hard is it to keep a promise?

As the clock ticks over to nine thirty, I start getting annoyed. Just as I contemplate looking for her like some overprotective boyfriend, I get a whiff of her (not in a weird way, in a vampire way). My stomach drops when I sense something coppery mingled with her usual lavender and talcum powder smell. I bound over to the door and she stumbles into my arms.

"Spike," she says, voice airy, "I really hate vampires."

"What happened?" I ask, holding her up. She shakes, as if any moment she might keel over, and she's clutching her neck. Fuck. I pry her hand away and wince at the bite mark there. 

"I'm gonna kill whoever did this." I promise, trying to get her to walk into the kitchen with me. I don't know how she managed to walk back here because it's like her strength is slowly depleting - I catch her as she falls to her knees. God, she looks awful. 

With both of us on the ground now, she lets out a sigh of relief.

She looks delirious. How much blood has she lost?

"Seven guys," she tells me, "Looking for you. I told them I didn't know who you were but they said they knew who I was?" 

"Pet," I whisper, just wanting her to rest.

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