How you become friends

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Spike - You know of Spike but dislike him until he gets a chip in his head (so that he can't harm humans). As he hangs out with the Scoobies more often, you see he can actually be quite funny and kind. You two grow especially close and hang out at The Bronze and his crypt often. 

Buffy - After learning Buffy is the slayer, you grow closer and hang out often.

Willow - You become lab partners and share a love of science and all things geeky. You start to sit together at lunch, and then spend time together outside of school. 

Xander - Xander introduces himself to you and invites you to his house to play video games. Your friendship grows from there, always hanging out and joking together. 

Tara - You're partnered together for a project. She is quite nervous to talk to you at first, but you learn that you both have similar interests. You become good friends and even practise witchcraft together.  

Anya - You were a regular customer at The Magic Box – which she loved – and you got talking. She realised you got screwed over by your ex and tricked you into making a wish. She took vengeance on them, which you were very grateful for. 

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