I expect to find Buffy on the dance floor but she's standing just on the outskirts. She's wearing a small black skirt with a lace trim (that I brought her for her birthday) and a light pink tank top. She's practically glowing.
"Oh hey!" her face lights up, "I was waiting for you."
"Aw," I smile, grabbing her hands, "Do you wanna dance?"
"Can do. Shall we get a drink first?"
I hum in agreement, leading her over to the bar. We take the nearest empty seats and I order our favourite drinks.
"It's nice to hang out just the two of us." Buffy says.
Although she's my girlfriend and we've been dating for months, I blush, "Yeah."
It's been a while since we've gone on a date - Willow or Xander can never take a hint, always tagging along. But, tonight, they are both busy so Buffy and I are making the most of it. The Bronze, then back home for a movie in the comfort of my cosy bedroom. I smile to myself.
"I've gotta use the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute," Buffy tells me, standing up. The way she leans closer to be heard over the music makes my heart flutter.
"Leaving so soon?" I tease, but Buffy only blows me a kiss as she walks away.
I love her so much. The drinks arrive shortly and I guard them carefully, not wanting anything to happen to them. It sucks I even have to think about stuff like that, but here we are. The world is full of literal demons and people who act like them.
"Why, hello pretty lady."
It takes a moment for me to realise the voice is talking to me. It came from my right but sitting there, across the bar, are only two dorks from school. Warren Mears from chem class and Tucker's brother (Andrew, I think?).
Unless... oh no.
"Can I buy you a drink?" Warren asks with a cocky eyebrow raise and I internally groan.
"No, thanks."
"Come on pretty, I don't see a boyfriend. Why don't you loosen up a little?"
"I have a girlfriend." I respond and stop myself from adding 'who will kick your ass if you keep this up'. He only leers at me.
"So what? You're a lesbian?"
Why have his eyes lit up like that? Ew. I don't reply.
He smirks, "One night with me and I think you might change your mind. Anyway, I don't see your girlfriend."
"What did you just say?"
Buffy's returned from the bathroom and has probably caught most of this conversation based on the livid look on her face.
"Buffy -" I start, knowing realistically that it is no use.
"No," she puts out a hand to distance me from Warren, "I want to hear him say it again."
He smiles. He actually smiles. "I said," he licks his lips in a way I can only describe as obscene, "That I don't see your girlfriend."
"You're looking at her," Buffy sneers, "But saying 'no' should have been enough for you to back off."
Warren turns his body away and coughs "Bitch." Andrew giggles beside him like a schoolgirl, as if Warren just made the joke of the century.
"I'm gonna punch him." Buffy mutters. I reach out for her hand.
"Its fine," I mumble, "Let's go."
"No," Buffy is turning pink, "It's not fine. I - I should say something. I - He had no right to talk to you like that."
Warren turns back around on his stool, slowly, and I want to punch his stupid face. "Come on, Buffy. Even you know she's begging to be hit on, dressed like that."
I let out a shaky breath, "I'm sorry." I tell Warren.
"For what?" he asks, smirking.
"For what she's gonna do to you."
Buffy kicks him right out of his seat and I watch with satisfaction as he's thrown across the room. Andrew screams when Warren smashes into the wall and crumples to the ground.
I glare at Andrew as he scrambles over to his friend who is getting to his feet gingerly. He's muttering something I can't hear - he's probably just cussing Buffy out for being better than him in every single way.
Warren sneers, "You'll pay for that, bitch!"
"Sure I will," Buffy smiles sweetly, giving him a finger wave, "I'm looking forward to it, bitch!"
I suppress a giggle at her sarcasm as we watch the boys leave The Bronze. I then realise that there are millions of men like Warren who don't have a Buffy to beat them up and put them in their place which puts me in a much gloomier mood.
"Hey, you okay?" Buffy asks me and I snap out of my thoughts.
"Yeah," I pause, "Ok, not really but, you know."
Buffy pulls me into a hug, "He won't be bothering you again."
"I know - thanks. But what's to stop him doing it to someone else?"
Buffy purses her lips, thinking. She bites her lip. "I can't give you a straight answer, I'll admit."
"This has really ruined my night." I confess quietly, looking at my shoes. I was so excited to spend the night with Buffy...
"It doesn't have to! We can go watch that movie? I'll let you pick!" she smiles, taking my hand. I nod and let her lead me out, "We can get some ice-cream on the way back too."

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Preferences + imagines/one shots
VampireSpike, Buffy, Willow, Xander, Tara, Anya preferences and lots of imagines (mostly Spike tbh). Imagines include all the above + Faith, Vampire Willow and more Don't forget to vote/follow :) ☺ #buffythevampireslayer #5 in 'Buffy' 12/05/22 #1 in 'buff...