Spike - Unlikely Friends

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this is an old one i'd forgotten about, hence the 2nd person pronouns. lol. enjoy!

set in season 2: you get injured while patrolling and wake up in a very eerie, unfamiliar place.

You moan as you blink open your heavy eyelids and are met with a throbbing headache. You cough as you try to raise your aching body to a sitting position. You notice that you're on a shabby yet soft bed, not anywhere recognisable. This room has gloomy brick walls, a dusty stone floor and a strange, metallic smell.

You raise a hand to your temple gingerly, finding a bandage wrapped around your head. How did that get there? And where the hell are you? Is this a cave, a crypt? It looks like a freaking crypt.

Before another thought can race through your head, a figure emerges from the shadows, making your heart pound against your rib cage.

"How are you feeling?"

"Get away from me!" you shout at the monster who tried to kill you and your friends. It's Spike, the infamous vampire who you now realise has kidnapped you. Great.

"Woah there," he says, holding up his hands in surrender. "Don't you remember how you got here?"

You pause for a second, confused. You keep your eyes trained on Spike, ready for any trick he might pull.

It's like he reads your mind as he laughs, "Settle down, pet. You're in no state to take me on if that's what you're planning. Just take a breath."

You have no choice but to attempt to slow your panicked breathing. You close your eyes, and when you reopen them, reality hits you like a truck.

There's too many. Death is calling in the form of a 6 foot 3, mohawked vampire. He punches you again and this time the wind is knocked out of your lungs. You collapse and the vampire advances, kicking you powerfully and leaning down for the fatal bite. You can only whimper as you feel the pointed fangs sink deep into your vulnerable neck, the noise of the vampire's grotesque slurping being the last thing you hear before passing out.

"You saved me."

"Yes." Spike says rather smugly, as if it should be obvious. He paces over to a chair and leans leisurely back in it.

"Why? Last time I checked, you tried to kill my best friend."

At that, he looks offended. "Well, duh. Vampire, vampire slayer..." he gestures vaguely, "That's how it works."

"Then why am I here?" You cut in, furrowing your brows in suspicion.

"You were hurt." he curtly responds.

"So, you fixed me up out of the kindness of your heart?" you sneer, "Where's Drusilla? Angelus?"

Spike freezes. Then, he bitterly mutters: "Out."


I takes a second for you to read between the lines. "Oh."

He clenches his jaw and the anger flowing through his veins is obvious. He's lonely. He's been ditched by his only two friends and it's not hard to guess what they're up to.

"I see."

"You can crash here, if you want. Until, you know, feel better." he shrugs as if the offer means nothing, but this is the strangest thing you've ever experienced. Well, except from discovering demons were real but that's old news.

"I don't understand why you don't want to kill me." you stare into Spike's blue eyes, trying to figure it out, but his expression is unreadable.

"It would be no fun without Dru here to enjoy it with me."

"Oh. Right. Charming."

"And," he says, leaning towards in his seat, as if to get a good look at you, "There is something else."

"I've been watching you and your friends for a while," he says, his voice distant, "There's Xander. An absolute bonehead who I've been more than tempted to bite just get him to shut up. And Red, relatively boring but I bet she's got a wilder side - one I can't be bothered to draw out of her if I'm honest. And then there's the slayer. And I'm gonna do her in, don't you worry. But you... I've never had the urge to make you a meal."

"Why?" you question, your fear slowly turning into curiosity.

"You just seem like someone I could get along with in another lifetime."

"Really?" you tilt your head to one side and Spike bites down on his lower lip.

"Yeah. I don't know. You're not constantly slagging me off or trying to stake me which is a bonus."

There's a slightly awkward pause. "So what do you like?" you ask.


"You said we might get along. What things do you like?"

"Oh. Urm..." he leans back in the chair again, "I like poker... cats... my motorcycle and... I guess blood?"

"I like cats." you respond and Spike smiles. It's the first time you've seen him smile and not sneer - he actually looks quite striking.

"Poker?" he asks.

"Never played."

There's another beat of quiet, but it isn't awkward this time.

You nod and suck in a breath. "I think I'm gonna go though."

"Sure." he says, nodding like he understands, "Be careful."

He just lets you walk away.

Although, as you step outside, you hear Spike call from behind you: "Oh! And I will be using this as leverage!"

You had a feeling that wouldn't be the last you'd see of the vampire.

Thanks for reading!! <3

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