Spike - First Kill

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For this imagine, you and Spike are really close friends. 😏😙

Requested by @perculiarmage
Hope you like it <3

Spike's secluded crypt is colder than usual today, but that might just be me. Ever since I was turned into a vamp - via a traumatic, dramatic mischance - I haven't eaten anything. I can't. The mere thought makes my stomach churn. 

I set my beer down on Spike's rugged table, feeling too sick to take another sip. Our casual conversation has fizzled into silence, so I slip in a question that's been swimming through my mind for days. 

"Hey, what happens if vampires don't drink blood?" 

"Why?" he arches an eyebrow.

"Just curious."

"Well, they sort of waste away." Spike replies, taking a slow swig of his drink. "Some say it's worse than death. Just these skeletal, emotionless... Hey, hang on. When was the last time you drank?" 

"Huh?" I blurt, as if I hadn't heard his question crystal clear.

"Y/N," he says seriously, "Don't tell me you haven't eaten anything since you turned."

I bite the inside of my cheek because that's exactly what I'm about to tell him. It's not like I've had the appetite... Well, that was true at first. Now, I think about blood almost every second of every day, and it's only getting worse. I don't know how much longer I can last, but I also don't know how I'm supposed to kill. I'm Buffy's friend, I was slaying vampires up until last week; how am I supposed to kill the people I've devoted my life to saving?

Spike lets out an exasperated chuckle, making me flinch with how quickly he storms over to me, crouching to my eyelevel.

"Hello?" I question weakly.

"We are going out and you are eating." he states, although his tone is soft.

"But Spike-"

"I know," he says, nodding his head, like he understands exactly what I'm feeling, "But I'm not letting you starve on my watch." He offers me his hand and I cautiously take it. He guides me over to the door, grabbing his leather coat before pausing. Wordlessly, he presses the coat into my freezing hands.

I follow him out into the darkened graveyard.

"Put the coat on," he says, "Maybe then your teeth will stop bloody chattering."

I don't know if vampires can blush, but if they can, I definitely just did. I shrug it on, trying to ignore the fact that it stinks of cigarettes.  

I groan as Spike starts walking again. Jogging up to him, I hiss: "I can't do this..."

"You can." he says plainly.


We've barely left the cemetery when Spike spots a potential target. 

"There," he says, pointing to a short man who's leaning against a lamppost. The harsh light illuminates half his face, but I can't quite see his features. "He looks tasty." 

I roll my eyes. We continue to walk closer and I notice the man is talking on his cell phone. Just when I'm about to protest to Spike, the vampire grabs me by the hand and yanks me behind a tree.

"Honestly," he mutters, "Don't go blowing our cover before we've even started." I stand on his toes as I try to regain my balance, and he only pulls me closer when I try to take a step back. His hands are placed lightly on my waist, as if he doesn't want to be touching me, to make sure I'm not visible.

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