Set in S5 (the elite set of characters)
CW - sex references (reader discretion is advised ig lol)As I step into Buffy's hallway, my heavy backpack slung over one shoulder, full of clothes, snacks and nail polish, I feel a sense of nostalgia that I never realised I missed until now. It's been so long - too long - since I've had a girly sleepover. Feeling like a sophomore all over again, I set my bag down and pull out a blanket and a pillow, which I throw onto the couch. I think we're all camping out down here, so I bagsy the sofa.
I'm the first here, so I help Buffy make coffee and popcorn, although I won't need any of the former to stay up all night. My body has (finally) adjusted to vampire times, so I sleep during the day and party it up at night. Well, there's been a fair lack of partying as I spend most of my time staying in or going out with Spike.
I'm wearing one of his shirts today. It's plain and black and smells of smoke. I don't think he noticed that I took it.
"Soooo, how are things with Riley?"
"Ah," she points at me, "No gossiping until the rest of the gang is here."
I smile into the bowl of popcorn, popping a handful in my mouth. I can hear the comforting sound of rain tapping against the kitchen window, creating a cosy ambience that I adore. I then decide to make some tea. Although my friends prefer coffee, Spike's recently got me hooked on the stuff (I don't know how I didn't drink it before).
The doorbell rings and I volunteer to get it, leaving the tea to brew in my singular mug as Buffy doesn't own a teapot.
"Hi," Willow greets, brushing wet strands of hair from her eyes, "Long time no see."
"Wow, you packed light." I remark, taking her small satchel off her shoulder so she can shrug off her coat.
"Yeah, well, Tara made me reduce the seven stuffed animals to one."
I grin, "Come in, we have snacks."
"Oh goody." As soon as she disappears into the living room, I spy Anya coming up the drive.
"Hello," she says chirpily, "Xander says hi."
"He's not still bitter that tonight is girls only?" I tease.
"He was, but then we had sex and he was totally fine about it."
I nod, grateful if not a little disturbed, and close the door. Although I love Xander, Tara and Spike, there's no boyfriends (or girlfriends) allowed tonight as it would threaten the integrity of our gossip session. I smile as I turn off the hallway light. This is going to be fun.
"So," I say pointedly, entering the room with a tray of drinks and food, "How are things with Riley?"
Buffy smirks, sitting herself down in the faded red armchair, "Sooooo good."
Anya and Willow, who are curled up on the couch, exchange excited glances. I shift their blankets to the side so I can squeeze on the end nearest the door, and take a sip of my tea. I sigh as the pitter-patter of the rain surrounds me and the tea warms me up. It doesn't hit the spot quite the same as blood does (and I made sure to drink some before coming) but it's still soothing.
"He's just so sweet. And I can actually count on him, unlike Angel. Like, he answers me when I ask him a question instead of disappearing into the night like some kind of ghost."
"Yeah... that's like the bare minimum, Buff."
"Yeah, yeah, I know. But you know what I mean. He's just normal. It's so nice to be dating a regular joe. I never thought I'd get here."

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Preferences + imagines/one shots
VampireSpike, Buffy, Willow, Xander, Tara, Anya preferences and lots of imagines (mostly Spike tbh). Imagines include all the above + Faith, Vampire Willow and more Don't forget to vote/follow :) ☺ #buffythevampireslayer #5 in 'Buffy' 12/05/22 #1 in 'buff...