Spike - Mission 🔥

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Kinda a long one but gets spicy at the end lolz

You'd think someone confessing their love for you would make the aftermath awkward if you said no, right? Strangely enough, it's not. 

Spike told me he liked me a while ago and I turned him down. I was fresh out of a toxic relationship, and I'd never really considered Spike in that way before. I think things are chill because we use humour to gloss over it - that's always been our way of communicating. I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Bloody hell, you look positively awful." Spike comments without even glancing my way. 

"Thanks, you're looking as grim and sickly as ever, sweetheart," I reply without hesitation. Spike looks up and grins at me.

"Shall we?" he asks, outstretching an arm, which I take. "Everyone's ready."

We traipse downstairs to find Giles, Xander and Buffy huddled by the door impatiently.

"Finally." Xander says, already opening the door.

"Yeah, sorry. We were making out." I deadpan and Xander groans, knowing me well enough to realise I'm kidding. 

"What an unwelcome mental image."

Giles and Buffy exhale similar sighs, "Let's go." Giles says, pulling the sleeves of his dapper suit down slightly. Everyone's dressed up smartly to blend in at the vampire party we're going to stake out (ha, get it? Stake ). 

I look down at my own outfit after seeing Buffy's beautiful crimson slip dress. I'm not exactly self-conscious but she just looks so pretty. 

"You look fine." Spike says from beside me. When I meet his eyes, there's something genuine there, so I smile politely and we exit, still with linked arms.


We all look up at the towering mansion glimmering before us in the twilight (ha again) and Xander exclaims, "This place is huge!" 

"Not as huge as my -" I smack Spike sharply in the arm before he can finish his sentence. 

"Come on," Buffy says quietly, "And don't do anything stupid," she adds passive aggressively in my direction. I would be offended but I suppose it's fair, given my track record of speaking Latin in front of the books and making out with vampires on more occasions than I'd like to admit. In my defence, I only knew they were undead about half of the time.

Once inside, I'm consumed with the sheer vastness of the place. High ceilings, ornate chandeliers which look like they cost almost as much as the gleaming piano placed deliberately in the middle of the foyer. 

"William!" a high, cheerful voice rings, "It's so good to see you!"

"And you, Mary," Spike says with a smile full of memories, "What's it been? 70 years? 80?"

"I make it 100," she smiles, "Glad you could make it... and it's nice you've brought some friends."

She glides away to mingle with the other vampires and assortment of hell creatures. I fix Spike with an incredulous stare but he only smirks. "How did you think we got on the guest list?"

"Ex girlfriend?" I ask, painfully aware of how that sounds.

"Nah, just a friend." he winks and I physically cringe. 

"Don't you ever wink at me again, you creep."

We've not here for her though. We're looking for a guy I've only heard descriptions of. A vampire called Lazlo. 5 foot 9. Wears exclusively purple and black - apparently - and is responsible for the rising number of Sulvote demons in the area (he's been harbouring the eggs but not taking very good care of them, letting them rampage over Sunnydale). We need him deader than he already is. 

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