Vamp Willow - Holy Water 🔥

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Somewhere in The Wishverse...
Willow, Xander and protagonist are vamps

CW: urm, sexy stuff 16+ plz <3 

"What is wrong with you?!" 
"I - I didn't know you two were fucking! I... Willow told me to come round, I-"
"Get the fuck out of here!" Xander shouts, pulling up his trousers, although I've already averted my eyes. My poor eyes.
"You're just everywhere these days, there's something called privacy?"
"As I said, Will invited me," I spit, anger rising like bile, "We were going to go out."
"You're obsessed with her." Xander sneers. Willow listens placidly, obstructed by Xander, but I can imagine her frown. 
"I am not." I say through gritted teeth. Then, something clicks in Xander's thick skull. 
"Oh my God. You - You're in love with her."
If I could breathe, I would have stopped right then. Something tight and deadly wraps around my throat, crushing my lungs and gluing my jaw shut. 

"How did I not realise this before?" he lets out a humourless, maniacal laugh. A punchable smile twists onto his cocky face, "Aw, sweetheart. Are you hoping she'll call out your name while I fuck her?" 
It takes everything in me to stand my ground and not lunge at him. Snap his neck. Rip out his eyes and his heart for good measure.  
"You're a pig, Xander Harris."

"And you're pathetic."
A pause.
"You deserve better, Will." I slam the door shut behind me. 

A week on, he thinks I forgot. Or, at least, that I'm over it. He's never been much of a thinker. I wasn't lying when I said she deserves better. I've been in love with her since the day we met, freshman year, but so has Xander. And he got there first.

Eternity is a long time to spend alone. It's a hell of a long time to be pining over the girl of your dreams, third-wheeling jealously forever.

So, I'm taking matters into my own hands.

Admittedly, I'm not a fighter and I'd prefer to get rid of Xander in a more sophisticated way than something as basic as a staking. I'd prefer something more satisfying; I have the perfect plan. 

"So why am I here again?" Xander asks, his tone rough like sandpaper, as he shoots a look of distain at the art hanging behind me on my apartment walls.

"I told you," I say, keeping my voice calm, "We're going out."

I shoo him out of my doorway and we head for The Bronze. 

"Beer?" I question casually, gesturing for him to take a seat while I order.

"Yeah." he says, taking a seat and already staring with beady eyes at the girls on the dance floor. As I said, Willow deserves better. 

I hand him the beer and he nods in his own form of a half-arsed 'thank you'. Holding back my eye roll, I sit opposite him and deliberately wait a beat. 

"I wanted to apologise." I flash him my prettiest puppy dog eyes. 

His eyebrow quirks up in surprise, but a glint in his eye betrays the fact he's enjoying this very much - seeing me say sorry to him. "Go on..."

"I wanted to give you my condolences on that pathetic excuse of a dick."

His smile instantly flips into a frown, "Typical."

"Yeah, well," I shrug, leaning back, "Is this why you act like a dick all the time? Because it won't make yours any bigger, I'm afraid."

"You're such a bitch." Xander shakes his head, "But I understand why you're doing this."

"Oh, yeah?" I challenge, gaze darting from his beer to his pasty face. 

His lips skim the bottle, before he pauses and states matter-of-factly: "Willow is mine, Y/N."

I clench my jaw, replying tensely, "We'll see about that."

He scoffs and finally, satisfyingly, takes a sip of his drink. The smug look on his face disappears, replaced with one of pure panic and pain. He splutters once, twice and then poof - he's dust. 

Holy water in the beer bottle - am I a genius or what? Now for phase two of my plan: steal his girl. 


I find Willow sitting outside The Bronze, slumped against the wall like a ragdoll. Her legs are stretched out in front of her, no doubt dirty now from the grimy pavement. 

"Will?" I ask tentatively, crouching down to her level. "What are you doing here?"

She lifts her eyes to mine slowly, as if they must weight a ton, and says in a timid voice, "Something happened."

"What?" Does she know already?

"Xander. I can feel it, here," she points a sharp nail to her chest, "Something happened. He's gone. And I feel weird."

I practically collapse next to her, sucking in air, just to feel the cold sensation in my lungs.  "You feel weird?"

"Not happy, not sad. Weird." she reaches out her hand, placing it over mine. Running her thumb over the back of my hand, she hums softly. It reminds me of Drusilla. "I should feel guilty." she continues, "But I was bored." A pause. "Of him." Her hand leaves mine to find my hair. She combs her fingers through it, like she does when we talk for hours in her crypt about how things used to be. She rarely shows it, but Vampire Willow still retains many parts of her former self. The girl she was shines through her eyes now as they stare into mine. 

"Baby," she whispers, and I freeze. Involuntarily, I stiffen as she cups my cheek. I can't look at her. This is what I wanted, so why do I feel so nervous? 

But a smirk creeps onto my lips. What can I say? I'm a vampire, my moral compass is a little dodgy to say the least. She pulls my hair, turning my head to face her and I gasp. I lick my lips and stare at hers.

And the rest is history.

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