*Set in season one*
"I'm really not one for parties, especially ones with people I barely know..." Buffy worries as you walk through the cluttered hallway of Jessie's house.
"No need to worry, Buff. If you haven't noticed already, me and the gang are pretty popular." Xander jokes, ushering everyone forward into the living room. There are red plastic cups on every available surface, huddles of teens everywhere and pop music blasting from some dusty speakers.
"Xander! My man!" greets Jessie with a huge smile - you can tell he's already downed a few beers by the dopey look on his face. "We're about to play spin the bottle, or seven minutes in heaven... I don't know, the girls are sortin' it out. Come on!" He drags Xander by the hand, and Willow, Buffy and you follow close behind.
"Spin the bottle?!" Willow squeaks in your ear, and you give her shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
"Come on, Will. We're in high school now. Time to live a little!" you beam, taking a seat in the circle of giggling girls and smug-looking boys.
One of the girls, Harmony, places a green bottle in the centre. You see Buffy scan the crowd, eyes finally landing on a pretty cute boy from the year above, with green eyes and floppy brown hair. Willow fiddles with her hands, and when you turn to Xander, he's already looking at you. You smile and he smiles back, giving you a cheesy thumbs up.
"Ok! I'll go first!" Harmony says excitedly, spinning the bottle. Everyone holds their breath in anticipation, before it lands on a blushing Willow. Her eyes go wide, and she shoots you a frantic look. Willow stares at Harmony, watching her lean across the circle. Willow swallows and presses her lips firmly onto Harmony's, while the crowd wolf-whistles and cheers. When they break away, Willow is the same colour as her fuzzy pink sweater. You chuckle lightly to yourself and give her a warm smile.
Willow smiles sheepishly at the floor.
"Ok, Harris, you go next." orders Harmony, whose cheeks are flushed as well. Xander spins the bottle instantly and you gasp when it lands on you.
Xander. Your best friend. Had you fantasied about this exact scenario before? Yes. Were you somehow nervous now it was actually happening? Yes.
Xander, who is already sitting next to you, looks into your eyes. He asks quietly, "May I?"
You nod and he kisses you. It lasts all of three seconds, but it is something you'll never forget. His lips feel strong and soft at the same time, his hand rested carefully on your cheek. When you break away, your lips tingle and you're thrown harshly back into the party around you.
The game carries on, but you can't pay attention, your mind wandering and reliving your kiss. You kissed Xander Harris! You shake your head and try to focus. You see Buffy share a kiss with green-eyes and you whoop for her. After a few more rounds, the game gets old, and you shift restlessly in your seat.
"Why don't we play seven minutes in heaven?" suggests Jessie, nudging Xander in the ribs. "Xan-man, you go first."
Your mind races and your heartrate quickens at the mere thought of what could happen if it landed on you. The bottle takes an excruciating amount of time to stop and you blankly stare at the bottle top that is facing straight towards you. What are the odds?
You snap your head up and look at Willow who mouths 'you're welcome!'. That little witch!
You don't have time to scold Willow because Xander is up on his feet, pulling you up by the hand. You silently pray your hands aren't sweaty as he leads you into the closet.
"Your seven minutes starts now!" Jessie calls from behind you. You shut the door and switch the dim light on - it doesn't do much to illuminate the cramped space. You spy a cup of something strong-smelling and chug it without thinking. The alcohol burns your throat as you swallow it, but the sensation is oddly comforting. You turn to Xander who is watching you passively.
"We... we don't have to do anything if you -"
You cut him off with a kiss. It's quick and impulsive but Xander kisses you back. "Ok then," he smirks, kissing you again.
He awkwardly pulls you closer and you step on his foot. You both pull back and laugh, Xander's eyes seem to twinkle with delight, and it warms your heart. You're two inexperienced dorks who have been shoved into a closet together for a stupid party game. The whole situation is pretty laughable.
"I don't know if you're just horny or you actually like me," teases Xander, his tone half serious, half not.
You tilt your head to one side and reply, "Maybe a bit of both."
"Oh god," he swallows, flustered. He puts his hands gently on your shoulders and he brings his lips close to yours, until they touch. You did not suspect that today of all days would be the one where you make out with your crush. Life is weird.
"Ok lovebirds! Time's up!" someone shouts from outside, and you both practically jump away from each other in surprise. You smile shyly at one another and exit the room together. Immediately, you're bombarded by Willow and Buffy, firing questions with smirks plastered to their faces. The same happens to Xander and you exchange a glance.
"I don't kiss and tell." Xander announces, earning a groan from all his guy friends.
"And neither do I." you say defiantly, sitting down again. "Now, who's next?"

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Preferences + imagines/one shots
VampireSpike, Buffy, Willow, Xander, Tara, Anya preferences and lots of imagines (mostly Spike tbh). Imagines include all the above + Faith, Vampire Willow and more Don't forget to vote/follow :) ☺ #buffythevampireslayer #5 in 'Buffy' 12/05/22 #1 in 'buff...