Spike - Glass

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spoilers season 5 
Cw - bloody injury 

I prod the play button on the radio but nothing happens. I smack the top of it (that usually works) but the house stays silent, so I sigh and head into the living room. Static crackles before the TV springs to life, singing The Golden Girls theme tune to me. Letting it play loudly, I go back into the kitchen. 

I just need some noise. Then the thoughts in my head won't be so loud. 

So, comfort show? Check. Food? Pizza's on the way. Drinks... I pull a bottle of coke from the fridge and place it on the counter stop when I feel the waterworks coming on. 

I stop, standing completely still until the wave of woe passes. 

I've done the crying, I'm sick of puffy eyes and blotchy skin. The tears that prick the back of my eyes subside and I take in a deep breath to collect myself. 

I wish Buffy and Dawn were here. Of course, it's selfish and I understand that they want some time with their Dad after Joyce's death, but the timing hasn't been favourable. Shortly after they left, I found out my boyfriend had been cheating on me the entire relationship. But a week has passed of me moping and feeling pitiful, so I'm going to relax tonight and do things that make me happy.

I know now that I deserve that.

Even in my fluffiest jumper and thick sweatpants, I'm still chilly. I should put some socks on. Yawning, I pad around the kitchen, toss around the load of clean laundry I still need to fold but there's no socks. I go back to the counter and pick up the coke, drumming my fingers on the cold glass. 

I gaze out the window and the sky is as black as ink. I should really call the Summers and see how they're doing, but I make a mental note to get it done tomorrow. I can ask how much longer they'll be. I miss them. I hope the weather in LA is less miserable than it is here.


I jump and panic at the same time - I don't recognise the voice until it's too late and the coke bottle is a shattered mess at my feet. My heart stops hammering as I focus on Spike standing in the doorway. His blond hair sticks to his forehead and he's dripping water onto the kitchen floor. 

"Sorry, I let myself in."

He must have got caught in the rain.

"You scared me." 

"I can tell. Urm, Y/N?"

His eyes drift down to my feet and I gasp when I look down too. Shards of sharp glass stick out of my poor feet and ankles. A few are wedged in my calves and now I'm looking at it all, the pain kicks in. Blood trickles from the wounds and I look away to the ceiling with a grimace. 

I've never been good with blood. 

Spike knows this.

He carefully steps towards me, his boots crunching on the remains of the bottle. I was really looking forward to that coke, as well. Swiftly, with no difficulty at all, he picks me up bridal-style and carries me into the living room so I don't step on any more glass. Usually, I'd protest but I'm only grateful as he sits me on the sofa. I guess I just feel defeated and acceptive that bad things keep happening.  

"Sorry." he says again and I close my eyes because if I see any more red I might faint.

I hear him leave and come back a moment later. 

"I'm gonna get the glass out, okay? I'll be gentle." As promised, he gently takes my foot and I feel him start to pluck the fragments from my skin.

"Have you got tweezers?" he asks, and I tell him to check the sideboard's first drawer.

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