Spike - Truth or Truth

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Something bad always happens on Buffy's birthday. By this point, it's just a fact. And this year is no different because some chaos demon has cast a spell on the whole town, making everyone only tell the truth 24/7.

"This is worse than when Buffy could read our minds!" complains Xander, with his head in his hands. The Scoobies all sit in Buffy's living room - Dawn is at a friend's house, Joyce is out, and Giles is researching the spell. 

"We - we planned a birthday party for you and everything and now... I'm so sorry that it's ruined, Buffy." says Willow sadly, looking at the bunting and balloons she had strung up earlier. Will really did put the effort in - there's a big cake, lots of beer and she'd persuaded everyone (except Spike) to wear paper party hats. 

"Maybe it doesn't have to be. I mean, I'm with you guys and that's what matters most." Buffy says with a small smile. 

"Oh, I'm going to puke." Spike rolls his eyes.

"Who even invited him?" Xander expresses, irritated.

"Xander!" Willow warns. "Buffy's right. We're still altogether and we shouldn't let her birthday be ruined."

There is a murmur of vague acceptance around the room, but there is still a certain tension in the air. 

"Why don't we play truth or dare? Properly." Anya says with a lift of her eyebrows. Anya, who is honest by nature, despises the fact that when you play truth or dare, most skip questions or tell white lies. 

"That's not such a bad idea..." Spike says with glint of mischief in his eyes. When his gaze fixes on you, you shoot him a confused expression, to which he winks.  You and Spike are good friends but there has always been some sexual tension between you two - well, according to Buffy and Willow. You've been spending a lot of time with him recently, and you've started developing feelings. Kind of... intense feelings?

"Ok sure, why not?" Buffy says, sitting up a little straighter on the couch, "You first then Anya, truth or dare?"

"Truth," says Anya happily.

There's a moment of thinking time before you pipe up, "Who do you think would be the first to die in a zombie apocalypse?" 

"Xander." Anya says without any hesitation, making her boyfriend frown and shout out a protest. His efforts are futile though and everyone laughs, while Xander sulks childishly.

Xander huffs, "Y/N, it's your go. Truth or dare." 

"Dare. I'm not about to expose myself!"

"I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room!" 

You spoke too soon. "Gosh, Xander," You look around the room, deliberately avoiding the person you know you want to kiss. "Do I have to?"

"As long as they consent, then yes." he states plainly, a triumphant smile on his face.

You can feel blood creeping to your cheeks, and you open your mouth, but no sound comes out. You take a gulp of beer before getting up and walking over to Spike. His lips have just enough time to contort into a smirk before you pull his shirt, kissing him. You hear laughs and a wolf-whistle, and you break away. Spike stares into your eyes for a long moment and you return back to your seat, dismissing the butterflies in your stomach.

Xander, who is a tiny bit jealous you didn't choose him, gives you a bewildered look, as if he just witnessed you slow dance with The Master. You smile at him, "Your go, Harris."

Xander completes his dare of doing 'the snoopy dance' on the table, and then it's Spike's go. 

"Truth." he says, taking a long swig of his beer. 

"Rate Y/N's kiss on a scale of one to ten," Buffy says excitedly and you know she's had too much alcohol. "What?" she mouths at you, offended, when you glare at her.

"Nine. Points deducted for no tongue." he shrugs, leaning back in his chair. 

"You're a pig, Spike," you say, but when you lock eyes with the vamp, you blush immediately. 


When the party ends, Spike walks you home like he usually does. It's a normal thing - you live really near the cemetery, and this has kind of become a habit. However, you notice he's standing closer to you than usual, and the silence between you two is horrifically awkward. 

When you approach the point where you and Spike part ways, Spike stops in the middle of the sidewalk.

"What?" you ask, stopping to look at him.

"You know what."

There's a pause. 

"It was a dare."

"I know that, love. I just have one question for you."

You tilt your head to one side. 

"Did you feel it too?"

You falter, not knowing what to say. You can't lie to him - literally - but you know he isn't going to be the one to break the silence. You nod carefully and before you know it, Spike has pushed you up against a wall, face inches away from your own. 

"Do you want to kiss me again?" he asks in a low voice, eyes trained on your lips.

You bite your lip and nod. 

He crashes his lips into yours with way more intensity than before. This feels like you're kissing him for real, for the first proper time. His hands on your body, your hands in his hair. "You're so beautiful," he whispers between kisses, moving down to your neck.

"Spike... I really like you. I've liked you for a while and -"

He interrupts you with a passionate kiss. "I love you Y/N. God, it feels so good to finally say it."

You stare up at him. "Fuck, Spike. I love you too." 

lolz #sorealistic
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