Scoobies - Swap

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set in s6

character name (character name)
the person inside the body (the actual, physical body)

i hope this isn't too confusing lolz

"When you said you had a secret hideout, I was picturing the Batcave - not your mom's basement."

"Actually, it's not her basement because I pay rent."

Warren and Andrew bicker as they sit in Warren's mom's basement. It's not too shabby with its LED lights and the big whiteboard that hosts sketched out evil schemes, but it does smell of artificial lemon soap. 

Warren runs an excited hand through his dark, gelled hair, "Jonathon should be here by now."

As if on cue, the stairs creak and a short, nerdy-looking teenager emerges into view.

"Hey guys." he says, his voice high and his forehead sweaty. If the others can tell he's nervous, they pay no attention to it. 

"Hey, Jonathon!" Andrew greets, motioning for him to come over, "This apparently is our lair," he does air-quotes around the word, "I thought it would at least have a-"

"Shut up, Andrew! Look, children, this is the start of something big for us! We're not little high-schoolers anymore. We know who the slayer is. And we have access to some of the greatest dark arts books on the black market."

Andrew and Jonathon exchange excited glances.

Warren continues, "Not to mention our amazing advances in technology. That freeze-ray gun is coming along nicely. We can literally become supervillains!" He picks up a bottle of cheap champagne and tries to open it. The cork won't budge but after an awkward minute of struggling, it pops open. "Here's to us!"

He hands glasses to the boys; they take them with a greedy look in their eyes. Andrew takes a big gulp and grimaces.

"Evil tastes funny." he remarks and Warren slaps him on the back of the head.

"Tonight," Warren continues, "Johnathon will switch bodies with the slayer and lead her right to us. Johnathon, if you will..." he gestures to a wooden chair with a pool of rope on it.

Johnathon crinkles his eyebrows. "Can't I finish my drink first?" 

"No," Warren snatches it from his hand and pushes the rope off the chair. 

Reluctantly, he sits and huffs. Andrew immediately gets to work, tying his friend's wrists and legs to the chair.

Their plan is fool-proof. Johnathon and Buffy will switch bodies. Jonathon will lead Buffy's body right here to the lair and then they can switch them back. The entire time, Buffy's mind will be in Johnathon's puny body (so unable to escape and kick any of their asses). 

"The plan relies on you, bud. Don't mess this up, okay? Just bring her straight here - no detours. And no looking at her - I mean, your - boobs." 

Johnathon nods although the thought hadn't crossed his mind. He gulps as Andrew brings out a black, leather-bound book and licks his lips, ready to recite.

 "Are - are you sure this is gonna work? I - I don't think I wanna do this anymore." Johnathon stutters, "Andrew will be better. He can-"

Warren cuts him off, "Don't go getting cold feet now, Johnathon. Andrew, go ahead."

Andrew nods, Jonathon moans and Warren rubs his hands together.

"Alli permutat anima kimota."


Buffy, Willow and Dawn sit in the Magic Box, playing UNO. Dawn peeks over her hand of colourful cards, carefully contemplating how to win. Buffy, however, is distracted by a memory of Spike, and how he was being so arrogant yesterday at The Doublemeat Palace. Willow, meanwhile, is just trying to remember how to play. 

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