Fuffy Imagine - That's the Sound of the Police 🤭

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I don't know if I love or hate this idea. Enjoy!

Buffy POV

So, I think Faith is pretty cool and all but I'm not oblivious to the fact that she's a bad influence. A really badass bad influence. 

"What's wrong with The Bronze?" I ask, as Faith drags me by the hand into the midst of a graveyard party. Yes, a graveyard party. I hope this doesn't become a thing because that would be super inconvenient for me.

It's the 31st of October - the monsters' annual day off and subsequentially my day off.  The usually quiet cemetery is full of dressed up teens. I recognise most of them from school, but there are older kids too - maybe from the college? Whoever organised this went all out - two boom boxes, millions of beer bottles, snacks, pumpkin fairy lights and way too many guests. 

"Come on B, live a little," Faith smirks, helping herself to a beer out of a cooler. A bonfire smokes to the left of Spike's crypt, and I wonder what he's doing right now. I bet he's boarded up his door; I hope he has for his own sake. 

Faith gives me a toothy smile, pulling me into the crowd of people. Maybe this isn't so bad - it's just like The Bronze. We start dancing in time to the loud music and I start to relax. Faith takes a swig of her beer and presses the bottle into my hands. I look down at it and then back at her. I close my eyes and gulp down the remains, grimacing at the bitter taste. 

She takes the bottle off me, looking pleased, and tosses it somewhere. I feel funny in the best way, my mind just foggy enough to make me pull Faith close to my body, dancing right up close to her. She laughs and the sound is electric. She leans in, brushing my hair to one side and whispering in my ear: "Welcome to the dark side."

I laugh and slap her playfully on the shoulder, "Shut up," I smile, grabbing her hands. She continues to gaze at me with that same pretty smile and I feel something weird in my stomach. It's a fluttering feeling - maybe it's the beer.

All of a sudden, harsh sirens blast through the air, rudely interrupting our party. "Shit," I hear Faith mutter. I look around wildly, blonde hair sticking to my lip-gloss, and then it clicks - the police are here. The music abruptly switches off, replaced by shouts and trainers slapping against concrete. 

"Everyone! Get the beer and split!" someone bellows. 

 "Come on, B!" shouts Faith with a smirk and we race from the scene, hand in hand. 

We charge out of the graveyard and when I glance over my shoulder, I see dozens of police officers with flashlights. Wind whooshes through my hair as I sprint - Faith and I overtake the other partygoers with ease. 

We run and run and run until we reach Sunnydale Park, collapsing onto a bench. I let go of her hand.

We sit panting for a minute or so, and we both look up at the same time. We lock eyes and burst out laughing, adrenaline pumping through our veins. My ribs hurts and Faith doubles over, her laugh is so infectious. 

"That was awesome," she finally remarks. She throws her hands in the air and cheers up at the night sky. She then rests her head on my shoulder, and I feel her relax. 

We sit like this for a while. 

As 1am approaches, it brings with it a harsh chill, sending shivers up my spine.

"You cold?" asks Faith, shrugging off her jacket.

"No, it's fine -" I start, but she drapes the warm leather over my shoulders. "Thanks," I mutter, smiling.

"No probs, B."

"We should probably get back now. I'm tired." I say, getting up from the bench. Faith jumps up too - I have no idea how she's so energized - and we head back to my house. 

"Night, B." Faith waves goodbye to me as I sneak through my bedroom window.

"Bye, Faith." 

Hope you enjoyed.😙

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