Dark Willow (ft. Spike + Dawn) - Information

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set in s6 but with no spuffy, directly after Villains (spoilers)

be warned this is kinda... intense?? 

"What do we have here?"

Her voice made me jump violently - I span around to find Willow, sporting black hair and eyes that were just as dark and menacing. 

I got the call that Tara had been shot that morning. I had stopped crying half an hour ago prior to her arrival.

She had materialised out of thin air. I couldn't imagine the pain she must have been feeling but I didn't think dying her hair would be the first solution. It struck me then, that something was very wrong. 

"You've been missing out on all the fun." she smiled, although there was nothing warm about it. 

I knew Tara was dead. I knew that Buffy had been shot but was okay. Xander told me everything over the phone because I was wrapped up in a college project that, needless to say, was sitting unfinished on my desk. I couldn't even bring myself to leave the house. I just kind of crumpled into a heap and sobbed until my lungs burned.

"What have I missed?" I asked carefully, making a small step backwards that made Willow narrow her eyes.

"Warren's dead. But that leaves Andrew and Jonathon." 

She took a step closer and the air got undoubtedly colder. I took in a shaky breath, knowing deep down where this was going, as much as I prayed that I was mistaken.

I jumped again when my mirror, that stood behind me, shattered. I knew she'd done it just to scare me - and it worked.

"I don't need to spell it out for you," she continued. "You were best of friends with Jonathon for years, so who better to tell me where he'd be?"

"I don't know."

"If Jonathon was running for his life, which he is, where would he go?"

"I don't know. I don't know." Panic was boiling inside me at this point. I didn't know where Jonathon would have fled to. I didn't want to think about what she would do to my former friend if she found out. Trying to console Willow, talk her out of whatever she was planning, seemed as stupid as walking into a demon bar without Buffy or Spike by your side. 

"Come on, baby. Think." 

On her last word, she pressed her forefingers and middle fingers into my temples, eliciting a visceral, piercing scream from my throat. Pain unlike anything I've ever known ripped through my veins as she delved into my mind. She slashed through my memories like a butcher and I thought I would die from the pain. At some point, I fell to my knees but she only crouched down with me, not letting go of my head for a second.

"Come on," she mumbled to herself, "Where are you?"

I screamed again and I could feel the agony in my bones, right down to my very core. Nothing made sense anymore. Flashes of past events, past friends and past me were all that I could see, could feel, but none of it meant anything. The only thing that existed was pain. 

I was a coughing, spluttering mess on the ground when she finally released me. My face pressed into the ground, a disgusting mixture of drool and blood dripping from my mouth, onto the carpet on my living room. 

"You have always been useless." Willow spat. I could here the venom in her voice, and could only imagine the look of spite in her jet-black eyes as I had no strength to move. "From the day we let you sit with us at lunch, you were useless. Even more useless than Xander. Couldn't even research properly. No magic, no strength, no spark. A true disappointment to us all."

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