Tara - Photo Booth

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You and your girlfriend, Tara, wander around the mall until you come across a photo booth. Not one for passports, but one for fun. You stop in your tracks and Tara walks a few steps ahead before stopping too.

"What is it y/n?" Tara asks.

"Photobooth!" you smile, pointing. You grab her hand before she can object and usher her inside. 

It's quite cramped so you squish together and swish the curtain closed. "I've always wanted to do one of these," you remark. You insert a few coins into the slot and hesitate before pressing 'Start'.

"Can we kiss in one of the photos?" you request, looking at Tara who, at the mere thought, blushes a little. 

"Yeah." she agrees, budging closer to you to fit in frame. 

"Cool." You press the button and you both smile at the camera. 


"Let's make a heart with our hands," you suggest, holding your half of the heart in place. She completes it.


Then, Tara turns to face you. She leans in and kisses you on the lips - she tastes like raspberry lip balm. 


You both pull away just in time for the last photo. You turn to look at the lens, but the shot was already taken. 

"I don't know how that last one turned out..." Tara worries. 

"I'm sure it'll be fine."

You step out of the booth, immediately missing your closeness, and retrieve the strips of photos. 

You grin as you scan them. Happily smiling, a heart, a kiss and... The last one is by far your favourite.

"Let me see!" Tara's excited voice calls from behind you. You pass them to her and gaze at the pics again over her shoulder.

"Wow..." she mutters, "I love them."

You take your strip of photos and stare at the last one again. It shows you and Tara, faces so close together, just looking into each other's eyes. Her beautiful side-grin, your blushing face, the whole thing screams happy couple. 

"I like the last one best." Tara beams, planting a quick kiss on your cheek. 

"So do I." you reply. 

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