Spike Imagine - Glory

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(season 5 spoilers)

"This is getting boring!" Glory whines like a child, tossing back her golden hair dramatically. "This would be a lot easier for the both of us if you'd just co-operate."

You glare at her from across the room, tied up and immobile. Glory and her minions had captured you hours ago, and beaten you black and blue, trying to get information about the key. 

You knew fully well what - or more accurately who - the key was, but you would never betray the Summers like that. You were Buffy's best friend, and you saw Dawn as your sister as well as hers.

"No way, hell-bitch," you spit, adopting Buffy's not-so-affectionate nickname for the Goddess.

"Very well. I gave you the option." she dismisses, waving a vague hand at her minions, "Do it again." she commands without even looking your way. 

You promise yourself not to scream as you wait for the fresh wave of pain with a jaw clenched so tight that your head visibly shakes. Your body is breaking. It aches and burns, and you know that it's only a matter of minutes before you're going to pass out.  

It hits you like a truck. You whimper as one particularly greasy minion drags a blade along your chest, right under your collarbone. It is just like the rest that litter your flesh - not deep, but agonisingly drawn out. 

Your eyes droop shut, and the darkness is oddly comforting. If you died, it would all be over. Dawn would be safe, and the pain would finally stop.



I can do this. You think, forcing your eyelids open again. 

Right when you do, the door to Glory's hideout slams open. The crash bounces off the walls, and your head starts spinning when you see Willow appear in the doorway. Her eyes are black with rage and her hair is as red as ever, flowing angrily around her. 

Without an introduction, without a witty remark, she starts chanting something in Latin. The incantation sends Glory flying across the room and she slams into the wall with enough force to kill a human. But Glory is no human: she gets up and shoots daggers at the witch. Ironically, Willow is the one with actual daggers - a mysterious bag she had brought with her opens and dozens of blades fly out, heading straight for Glory.

While this chaos ensues, you see Spike stealthily slip through another door. You stare at him as he silently makes his way over to you. He cuts your restraints and helps you to your feet.

Spike supports you as you sneak out, without saying a word.

You have the biggest crush on the vampire and your friends constantly tell you he has the hots for you too. You refused to believe them though - he's way out of your league. 

The cold air and swift wind that hits your face is so welcome. It cools your skin, and you stop for a quick moment, inhaling deeply. "Fuck," you curse under your breath, before trying to carry on down the path.

You can't help wincing and Spike looks at you worriedly. "Red won't be able to last much longer. We need to go, pet." he says quietly.

"Yes," you agree, but you can barely keep up. Spike stops abruptly and so do you, giving him a quizzical look.

"Please don't stake me for this," he mutters before swooping you off your feet, carrying you bridal style. You don't have time to protest because you both hear Willow shout:


Spike sprints in the direction of his crypt and you cling to his shirt for dear life. He holds you tightly, so you feel safer, but after everything you've just been through, the tears start rolling. You sob into his shirt until you reach Spike's home. 

He pushes the heavy door open with one hand and you try to stifle your crying. He sets you down gently on your feet and instinctively, you wipe your face with the hem of your shirt. 

"It's okay, love. You're safe now." Spike says softly. He stands in front of you awkwardly, not knowing how to comfort you. 

"Sorry," you whisper, but you can't control the sharp sob that escapes you. You hide your face in your wet hands, and, to your surprise, you feel Spike pull your hands away and wrap you up in a hug.

He holds you like that for ages, letting you cry into his chest. 

After the shock of everything had settled, only then, do you pull away. 

"It's okay." Spike says, giving you a small, comforting smile. You watch his eyes scan your body, lingering on your bruises and cuts. "Do you want to sit down?"

You nod, slowly sitting on the edge of Spike's bed. The pain has subsided quite a bit now, but you're bloodied and in clear need of cleaning up.

You close your eyes for a minute or two, and when you open them, Spike is crouching in front of you. He has a towel and a bottle of something.

He pours a little of the clear liquid on the towel and dabs it on your chest delicately. You inhale sharply at the sudden sting, but it's over before you know it.

"Does it hurt anywhere else?" he asks, almost whispering. You point to your black eye, and he gets up, grabbing something from his freezer.

As you hold a frozen pack of blood to your head, Spike bandages a gash on your arm, and you wonder silently why he's being so nice. Sure, you'd class yourself as friends, but he'd never really shown this much... concern.

"Better?" he smiles, sitting next to you.

"Urm, yeah. Thanks. Thank you."

"Don't go getting kidnapped by Glory again, yeah?" he tries to lighten the mood and you return his sheepish smile.

"Sure thing." You look down and take a deep breath. There's a beat of silence. 

"Why... why don't you lie down? You must be exhausted." he suggests with a gesture to his bed. You glance at the soft covers and plump pillows, your body screaming for you to accept.

"Okay. Thanks." 

Spike pulls the duvet back so you can get into his bed with ease. You settle back into the pillows carefully, trying not to irritate any of your wounds. A shiver runs up your spine and you pull the blanket up to your chin. 

"Cold?" Spike teases playfully.

"Slightly," you reply. You close your eyes and sleep already threatens to take you away. The world seems blurry for the next ten minutes, fading in and out of consciousness. You can hear rustling, murmuring and then someone moves your duvet and you're instantly hit with a chill.

"Sorry. Just made you this," Spike says, placing a hot water bottle in the bed. Instinctively, you hug your arms around it - it feels so comforting. You try to whisper a thanks but settle on a lazy smile instead.

Spike watches you finally drift off into a deep sleep. He smiles to himself and kisses your forehead. 

"Goodnight, love." 

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