Scoobies - Baby

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set in season 1 

"What do we do with it?" Buffy asks, chewing on her bottom lip as the baby gurgles and waves his chubby, little fists in the air. 

"It? He's a baby, not an it." Willow replies, crouching down to look at him, although she doesn't dare pick him up. 

"I vote we call Joyce." Xander shrugs. "She's had a baby so she'll know what to do."

"And how will we explain our sudden possession of a baby? Oh, hey, Joyce, Xander accidentally turned Giles into a freakin' baby and we don't know how to turn him back!" I shake my head, feeling a strong headache coming on.

"Ok. Fair point."

I should probably explain.

Xander and I were researching, as usual, in the library when Giles came in with a pile of books stacked high in his arms. He had a giant grin plastered on his face as he plonked the books on the table, creating a poof of dust. 

"What's with you?" Xander had asked, apprehensive over Giles' obvious good mood. 

"Books," he smiled, "Special order from The Watchers' Council. All sorts of ancient books I've only ever dreamed of reading, dating back to 700 BC."

"Ooh," I said, picking up the first book and blowing off a layer of dust, "Nerdy."

"What's nerdy?" A voice called from the other end of the room, getting closer. "Oh." Buffy pouted as she spied the pile of books, although Willow looked a little intrigued. They took seats around the table and, begrudgingly, got out some homework. 

"Be careful with them!" Giles warned as Xander selected a black, leather-bound book. He flicked through the pages until he found something that made him snigger. 

"Oomph a eebood popiew yos klo poop quoep." Xander recited in some demonic language. "Haha. Poop."  

The next thing we know, Giles is a baby in a tiny tweed jacket.

That brings me to now.

"This is majorly wigging me out." Buffy says, pacing, "I mean, this is Giles. Giles! The most adult adult we know and now he's a helpless little baby. This is so weird." 

"I know," I point an accusatory finger at Xander, "You did this, you fix it."

"Oh, great plan! Let me get my spell book!" he rolls his eyes and makes a motion to leave before spinning back and glaring at me. "What are we actually gonna do?" 

"I don't know..." Baby Giles catches Willow's eye and tries to reach for her. She caves in, carefully picking him up and holding him on her hip, "He's kinda cute."

The situation itself is absolutely absurd, it would be laughable if Buffy didn't look so disturbed. I snap a picture of Baby Giles and Willow on my flip-phone without any Scooby noticing and make a mental note to show Cordelia later (she wouldn't believe this otherwise). 

Baby Giles burps into the silence that's settled in the library. It diffuses the tension as we start to laugh - even Buffy can't help grinning. "Ok. He is kinda cute." 

Willow sets Giles down on the table and he starts to slowly crawl towards the pile of books. Of course. Even as a baby, he knows what he likes. His tiny round glasses almost fall off his face as he leans toward and I push them back up his nose gently with a fond smile. He makes an appreciative babble before grabbing the book that Xander had spoken from.

Willow gasps as Baby Giles starts to rip the page with his stubby (and surprisingly strong) fingers. She grabs him, pulling him away, causing him to start wailing. 

Xander picks up the book and shrugs, "What  if I just recite the rest of this?"

"Maybe it'll reverse it." Buffy offers. 

"Maybe we'll all turn into babies." I counter.

Xander seems to ignore me though as he starts to speak from the book. Willow and I shout at him to stop, which only makes Giles bawl louder, so we give up and resort to staring daggers at Xander.

"If you turn into a toddler, I am so not babysitting you -" I start, but halfway through my threat, Willow cries out as a full-sized librarian appears, standing on her toes. 

Giles groans as he steadies himself on the table, clutching his head. Buffy rushes up to him, "Are you okay?"

Giles groans again, "Splitting. Headache." he explains. Buffy kindly leads him to a seat and I disappear into Giles' office. I know he'll appreciate a cup of tea over anything else right now so I turn on the kettle and brew him one quickly. When I bring it out, Xander's asking him what it felt like to be a baby again, but Giles only gives him a dirty look. 

"I don't remember." he says through gritted teeth.

"Here." I say, passing him the warm, yellow mug that says 'Kiss the Librarian' on it. I smile when his face lights up a little at the sight of it. 

Giles takes a long sip before turning to the smug teenage boy opposite him. "Xander?"


"Don't touch my books."

Hope you enjoyed!! Remember to vote/comment/follow/have a great day <3

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