Spike - I've Missed This

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Set in Season 7 but with no spuffy. 

Senseless chatter can be heard from every room in the house. My headache is slowly building, and I can feel my irritability increasing. I wade my way through countless potentials, offering apologetic smiles and hoping nobody will notice if I slip away for some peace and quiet. 

I open the door that leads to the basement, check that nobody is watching, and retreat to my safe space. 

Ever since the potential slayers arrived, my life has flipped completely upside down. I'm like Xander - I don't have any supernatural powers so I've been tasked with the cooking, the laundry and the occasional patrol. I like helping but it can get way too stressful and overwhelming. Especially as some of the girls see me as an older sister, unloading their problems onto me like I'm an agony aunt. 

I slump down onto the bottom basement step, drawing in a steady breath. I can't help sighing loudly as I run a hand through my hair.

 "Rough night?" 

Spike's voice makes me jump violently, which earns a chuckle from the vampire.

"Didn't mean to scare you, pet."

I look over to him, taking in his messy hair, his shirtlessness and the cigarette in his hand. He waves it casually, watching the smoke dance. Spike and I kind of had a 'will they won't they' thing going on, but everything came to a sudden halt when this whole apocalypse kicked off. I still think about him every day though - and not just in a 'this guy will help us save the world' kind of way... 

"What are you doing down here?" I ask, resting my tired head in my hands.

"What do you think I'm doing?" he retorts, but not unkindly, "Those girls are getting on my bloody nerves."

I exhale through my nose in a semi-laugh, "You can say that again."

There's a moment of silence where Spike and I feel sorry for ourselves. I break it with a sigh. "I feel so bad for them all. But at the same time, I've caught myself wanting to strangle the odd one."

"I get that," he nods, "They all mean well, they're nice enough girls. But I don't think they realise the amount of work you do for them."

"Exactly!" I get up and walk over to Spike, sitting next to him on the cold floor. He offers me a cig, but I shake my head, leaning back against the cool brick wall. 

"It's all getting a bit much." I confess - understatement of the year. "I've been working my ass off for weeks and I don't get a thank you, or a day off. I know it's selfish that I long for those quiet Sundays babysitting Dawn, or the nights we'd spend drinking at The Bronze." It's like there's a lump in my throat - why am I getting so emotional? I sigh again and close my eyes.

"Yeah. It'll pay off though."

"We can hope."

"Yeah. We'll kill The First and then we can party."

I smile and can sense Spike crack a grin although I can't see it. 

"Maybe after we've defeated The First, you and I can get a drink." 

I snap my head up to look at him, surprising myself with the excitement that floods through my veins. "Like... get a drink drink?" 


"Yeah," he says, his blue eyes meet mine and my heart somersaults. 

"I'd like that," I reply, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Man, you must be tired." he says quietly, "Lately, you wouldn't touch me with a stick."

"It's not like I've had the opportunity to."


"I've been busy."

Spike strokes my hair gently. It's really sweet and allows me to relax at least a little. I sigh for the hundredth time today, but this time, it's not out of pure annoyance. 

"I've missed this," Spike says wistfully. 

A crash from upstairs.

A faint yell from Buffy.

Spike and I both tense, silently praying we won't have to go up and deal with whatever that was. A painfully slow moment crawls by, but everything seems okay.

I'm almost whispering when I say, "I miss us hanging out. I miss you walking home with me after The Bronze. I miss patrolling on chilly evenings and stargazing when the graveyard gets quiet."

"Me too."

"I miss flirting with you when Buffy's not around. I miss teasing you so much that your jaw clenches."

"Of course, you do," he says, amused.

"I miss wondering if you were going to push me up against a wall and kiss me during our petty arguments."

"Trust me, love. It's crossed my mind."

I clamp my lips shut. I'm not sure where all my honesty has come from, but I'm kind of loving it. 

"So, I never just imagined the sexual tension."

Spike chuckles lightly, shaking his head. "Promise me one thing, y/n."


"As soon as all this is over, we'll try and make this work."

"I wish we could sooner."

"So do I."

"But yes, Spike. As soon as that day comes, I'll make sure to, and not let us waste another second."

this was super cheesy but anyways x
remember to vote/follow/comment lolz <3

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