Inspired by a moment in Heartstopper
Prophecy Girl spoilerA school trip to London felt kind of annoying. I'm from England so I wanted to go to Paris, or Italy, but I still couldn't pass up the opportunity (especially as all my friends were going).
Buffy was practically bouncing off the walls when we boarded the plane and I still can't believe Giles let her go. Maybe he was feeling charitable after she saved the world, defeated the Master and, you know, died. She didn't even mind being stuck with Harmony and Cordelia for the 10 hour flight. I, luckily, got to sit sandwiched between Xander and Willow.
"Which part of London are you from again?" Xander questioned between mouthfuls of peanuts.
I sighed, "Nottingham."
"Cool. Does that mean you can give us a tour?"
I shook my head and felt Willow shake with a silent snigger. I smirked at her.
"What?" Xander frowned but I only rolled my eyes. I wondered if I should tell Xander that Nottingham isn't in London - and isn't even close - but I decided against it.
"Do you want an earbud?" I asked Willow, offering half of my headphones so we could drown out Xander with some Britney Spears and/or ABBA. She accepted with a grin and the rest of the flight went by quickly.
When we landed, it was a chore getting to the hotel (our coach got lost three times) but once there, we collapsed on our comfy beds and snored the night away. Willow and I shared a twin room with two queen-sized beds while Buffy was put in a room with Amy Madison. She promised that it was okay, but I felt guilty - I wish we were allowed to share in threes but nope, Snyder already had us paired off and the partnering was - in his words - "non-negotiable". Xander was gutted that boys and girls couldn't share rooms but reluctantly agreed to share with Jonathon in the room next to ours.
The next few days were a blur of sights, shops and fish and chips.
I'll give you the lowdown:
- Willow said fish and chips were too greasy for her liking, hence offending every British person to ever exist
- Xander almost got in a fight when he referred to someone as a roadman too loudly
- Buffy loves tea as much as I do
- I've really missed homeMy favourite day was day three - Harmony's birthday. Her little clique put streamers in their room, got hold of some beer and called it a party. Everyone was invited.
We got really drunk.
Well, I say, we. Everyone except Willow and I. I had a bit, but honestly can't stand the taste, and Willow found the whole thing too stressful. That's why we were the ones assigned to escort Xander from the party when he started to threaten that he was going to puke. He was so kind to hold it in until he got to our bedroom, puking on my bed.
"Xander. I am going to kill you when you're sober." I hissed as Willow and I dragged him to his room, instead.
"He's. So. Heavy." Willow panted, and I tried to hoist up Xander to take more of his weight but man, he's lanky.
His limp body grumbled a 'thank you' as we threw him onto his bed. I was ready to leave him and see if the small television in our room worked, but Willow looked at me as if I was crazy.
"We have to put him in the recovery position so he doesn't, you know, choke on his barf."
"His vomit, you mean." I smiled a little at her Americanism but she didn't hear, busily moving Xander's limbs.
As soon as we got back to our room, I threw the stained sheet off my bed (with a grimace) and onto the floor by the door. I wondered how long it would be until it began to stink. I sighed, staring at the crumpled sheet. I really didn't want to talk to reception but I knew Willow would hate the idea more than me.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Preferences + imagines/one shots
VampireSpike, Buffy, Willow, Xander, Tara, Anya preferences and lots of imagines (mostly Spike tbh). Imagines include all the above + Faith, Vampire Willow and more Don't forget to vote/follow :) ☺ #buffythevampireslayer #5 in 'Buffy' 12/05/22 #1 in 'buff...