Chapter 38

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It was a week later after the fight in Sokovia, Althea walked in to work feeling incredibly nauseous and dizzy. She didn't even understand why her powers weren't healing her. The only reason she even came to work was because she was afraid Gary would burn down their new lab. She wasn't about to trust him after what he did to their old one.

"Good morning ma'am." Gary greeted her with a cup of coffee which brightened her up. "I love you Gary!" She confessed and took the cup from Gary who was turning incredibly red.

"Is it to late too mention that I'm in a relationship ma'am. And also I don't date my..." Gary started rambling which made her shot him a glare. "Gary I love you in a platonic way. Relax." She said to Gary who let out a relieved sigh.

She took a sip of her coffee and felt better already. "Thea!" She heard a familiar voice calling her which made her groan knowing exactly who it was. Althea slowly turned and faked smiled at Steve, Sam and Natasha who walked towards her.

"Hey." She greeted them and smiled. "I thought you guys are on a mission." She said confused because last she talk to Natasha which was yesterday she told that they might have a lead on Rumlow.

"We were. We just got back." Sam replied to Althea who nodded her head. She took a sip of her coffee and suddenly felt incredibly nauseous. "Shit!" She cussed out all of a sudden which made them gave her a confused look.

She sprinted to the nearby trash can and emptied her stomach. She could feel someone holding back her hair and rubbing her back. Gary handed her a tissue which accepted and wiped off her mouth. Althea slowly got up from her position still feeling incredibly nauseous.

"Hey Thea are you okay?" Natasha asked her in concern as she rubbed her back. Before the goddess could reply her she puked again. "What are you? Pregnant?" She heard Sam asking her which made her eyes widen. She forgot about that possibility. That would explain why she isn't healing.

"She's not pregnant." Natasha said to Sam and shot him a glare. "Are you?" Natasha turned  asked Althea who shrugged her shoulders. She turned to look at Steve whose eyes was equally widened as hers. "I can't be pregnant." She said trying to convince them but more herself. "I mean you could be ma'am. Considering you've been feeling under the weather this past few days." She heard Gary saying which made her shot him a look that clearly meant 'shut your trap' which made Gary to immediately shut up.

"I'm gonna go now." Gary awkwardly said and walked away which made her sigh. She looked up to see Sam and Natasha shooting Steve and her questionable look which made her roll her eyes. "Guys I m not pregnant." She said in a serious tone which made Sam and Natasha to back off. "Yeah, right." Sam said and walked away, Natasha sent her a smile before walking away.

"Thea are you?" Steve asked her hesitantly which made her shot him a glare. "Don't you think I would know If I'm pregnant." She snapped at him and walked towards her lab. "Thea maybe we should take a test just to be sure." He suggested which made her let out a sigh knowing he wouldn't leave this alone.

"Fine! Once Gary leaves the lab I'll call for you, we can take the test then. And please don't say a word about this to Nat and Sam." She gave in because deep down she had a doubt that maybe she was pregnant considering she was late and all.

Steve nodded his head and smiled at her before leaving. She let out a sigh and walked in to her lab to see Gary was missing which confused her. "Friday where's Gary?" She asked the U.I as she dropped her handbag on her table. "Mr Green is currently with Dr Selvig Miss Althea. Shall I inform him that you want him back in the lab?" The U.I asked her.

"It's fine Friday. Tell him he's done for the day and I'm leaving." She instructed and sat down on her swivel chair. "But Miss Althea why aren't you leaving?" She heard Vision ask her which startled her. "Vision what did I say about using doors." She grumbled out and massaged her already throbbing head.

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