Chapter 46

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Althea woke up to see Tony hovering over her. "She's up." Tony shouted which made her roll her eyes. She winced when she touched the back of her head to see it was bleeding. "Come on, get up. I m too tired to carry you." Tony said which made her roll her eyes.

"No one asked you to." She snapped at him clearly annoyed by him. "He got away didn't he?" Althea asked as she stared up the sky. The sun was shining on her which made her cover her eyes."Yup." Tony replied popping the P and extended his hand towards Althea who accepted it and got up to a sitting position. She winced as she felt immense pain from the back of her head.

"Let me guess Steve and Sam are not here too?" She asked him even though she already knew the answer. Tony nodded as response which made her groan loudly in frustration. "Oh kill me now!" She exclaimed and leaned back to the floor.

"Ally, get up." She heard T'Challa saying which made her let out a sigh and stood up. "Seriously? He tells you and you listen." She heard Tony scoffed before walking away which made her roll her eyes. "Do you need help?" T'Challa asked her Althea who shook her head 'no'.

She took a step forward but lost her balance. She squeezed her eyes shut for impact but a strong pair of arms caught her. T'Challa carried her in her arms which made her groan in embarrassment. "I'm fine. You can put me down." She said to T'Challa who smiled down at her before walking.

She hid her face in his chest not wanting to see the look people were shooting at them. "This reminds me of the first time I saw you." She heard T'Challa saying which made her nod her head and smile.

"Your friend Barnes. You did not tell me he's arm is made of Vibranium." T'Challa said which caught her attention. "I thought you knew, since you went all Bruce Lee on him." She responded which made him shot her a look.

She squeezed her eyes shut as they entered the office they were previously in. She could see people staring at her which made her roll her eyes. She was thankful once he lowered her on chair. "Thank you." She said to him which made him nod as response before walking away.

She saw as Shanon came to her view and handed her an ice pack. "Thank you." She said to her and put it against the back of her head which stung. She winced in pain. "Let me guess you're the one who told Steve where Bucky was." She said knowing she saw Steve Sam and Shanon were in the office together before she walked in to the the office T'Challa was.

Shanon stared at her with wide eyes not expecting her to know this. "Don't worry Shanon. I'm not gonna tell Everett or anyone." She assured the Agent who visibly relaxed. "Thank you, Thea." Shanon said to Althea who nodded her head.

"Miss Althea, you have a call from—" Gary started as he walked in to where Althea was but stopped himself once  he saw Shanon in the room. He quietly passed the phone to Althea who put down the ice pack and got up from the seat. "Hey Steve." She greeted after walking away from earshot.

"Are you okay?" Steve asked her in concern. "Apart from the huge dent your buddy left on my head, I'm fine." She replied clearly frustrated by what he did. "Thea, you have to listen to
me—" He started but Althea interrupted him.

"No, you listen to me. Do you know what you just did? You just made things much worse than it already was. So come back before thing get out of hand. I don't wanna fight against you." She snapped at him. She was already mad at him for the stunt he pulled in Bucharest but this, this just straight up pissed her off.

"I can't do that, Thea." He replied letting out a sigh. "Then you leave me no choice." She squeezed her eyes shut and said. A tear rolling down her cheek. She ended the call and wiped her tear away. She walked back in to see Natasha, Tony and Secretary Ross talking.

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