Chapter 44

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"Don't bother. I'll kill him myself." Althea heard T'Challa say and walked away from her. She stared at him with wide eyes as she watched him go. "Shit!" She cussed out knowing she can't stop him.

She heard her phone ringing which made her let out a sigh as she took her phone out from her blazer pocket. She saw the caller ID and it was Steve. "Hey." Althea greeted him as she picked up.

"Thea, are you okay?" She heard his concerned voice asking her. "Physically? yeah. Mentally? Hell, no!" She responded which made Steve let out a sigh. "What happened?" He asked her in worry. "The future king of Wakanda might be on a murderous rampage to find who is the cause of it." She said in a cryptic way which confused Steve.

"But I don't really blame him. Whoever did it, probably deserves whatever coming for him." She added as she got up from the bench and walked away from there. "Thea, Bucky's the one who did it." She heard Steve saying which made her eyes widen in horror.

"No! It can't be!" She said as she started pacing in stress. "Thea, if he is this far gone, I should be the one to bring him in." He responded which made her groan internally knowing what will happen if he interferes. "No! Don't! If you do anything now, you'll be arrested." She warned but a part of her knew it was not of use considering he's probably half way in to finding him right now.

"You know I have to." She heard him say before the call ended which made her groan in frustration. "I have a type." She muttered as she realized and let out a sigh knowing she has to interfere now. She dialed a number she never thought she would ever dial.

"What can I do for you, Miss Althea." She heard a cocky voice asking as the call picked up which made her roll her eyes. "I need you to assign me to bring Mr Barnes in." She said hoping he would agree to this knowing he hates her. "I can't do that, Miss Althea." He responded which made her let out a sigh.

"Mr Secretary thanks to HYDRA our boy Bucky has been juiced up. I know you're well aware of his track record which we both know isn't that pretty." She explained in a sudden gained confidence but internally she was anxious as hell, she was afraid he would call her out. She was thankful that he can't see her right now knowing she's sweating as hell which made her shrug off blazer and held it.

"I'm listening." Secretary Ross stated which made her smirk knowing she got to him. "I know you want him alive. And I m telling you I can bring him in alive." She said to him knowing he would agree. "Fine, miss Althea. You can start working on finding him." He said to her and ended the call which made her smile triumphantly.

Althea walked in the markets of Bucharest knowing Bucky's here. She saw as he was buying blueberries which made her roll her eyes. "You know If It weren't for us being in public, I would kick your ass for running away." She said to him as she came to a stop beside him. His eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at her in shock, not expecting to see her here.

"How did you find me?" He asked Althea who gestured him to keep walking knowing people who read the papers can recognise him. "I take it you didn't read the papers today. " She said which confused him. She took out her tablet from her handbag and showed him the headlines. His eyes widened in as he stared at it.

He quickened his pace which made Althea let out a sigh and follow him.
"I need to turn you in cause if the others find you, they'd kill you." She tried to convince him even though she knew there was no point. "No!" He said quickly and started running which made her roll her eyes as she channelled the wind around her to give her a boost as she ran after him.

"Heads up, boss! We've got company." She heard Gary saying as Bucky and her entered his apartment which made her roll her eyes in annoyance. "Gary stop it, before I butcher you." She threatened him which made Bucky glanced at her oddly.

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