Sano Manjiro Birthday Special

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(Author: What if Shinichiro didn't die and this also the spoiler for my story. Sorry if this is really belated happy birthday for Mikey. On his birthday I'm not home so my mind doesn't function well and now that I'm home I got orientation and lessons for my class. Anyway! Here it is!)

Reminder this is my own version of what happened that night and some changes will happen here because I can't remember well what happened since I already read and watched it months ago.
Tonight is the night that Kazutora and Baji are going to take the dream motorbike of Mikey.

They will give it to him as a birthday present because he really want to have it.

"Are you really sure that we should do this Kazutora?" Baji ask while looking at Kazutora nervously.

"Baji if we give Mikey his dream motorbike he will be very happy. Just think that. Come on." Kazutora said then broke the glass and open the door.

"Y-you're right." Baji said and get inside after Kazutora.

After a while walking they found the motorbike that Mikey really dream of having.

They're about to cut the chains using bolt cutter when someone behind them appear.

"Who do you think you are to rob my shop?" A voice from behind Baji said and he turn around to look.

He was shock to who is the person that talked behind him.

"Shinichiro-kun?!" Baji said while looking at Sano Shinichiro the older brother of Mikey.

"Hmm? Baji?" Shinichiro said while looking at Baji still in shock but Baji recovered when he saw Kazutora holding the bolt cutter and ready to hit Shinichiro with it.

"Kazutora! No!" Baji shout at Kazutora who is about to hit Shinichiro but suddenly Kazutora lost strength of his body and fall on the ground before he hit Shinichiro.

Shinichiro turn around and saw a tiring Kazutora lying on the ground.

"Who? What's going on here?" Shinichiro said while looking back and forth at Kazutora and Baji.

Baji and Kazutora look at each other then explain the reason why they are there. Baji also introduced Kazutora to Shinichiro as Mikey's brother.

While they are talking they didn't sense the silhouette of a person the reason why Kazutora's strength lost.

"Mission Accomplished." The person said happily then look at the blond hair guy beside her.

Which is her big brother.

"Yeah and this will be my birthday gift for him." The blonde hair guy said then start to walk away.

The silhouette of the black hair girl which is the sister of the blonde hair guy followed him.

"Yeah that means from this changes on Baji will not die and Kazutora will not be under control of Kisaki well Kisaki will be just a normal teen who has a crush on Hina because we already prevent you from meeting them." The girl said while walking and smiling.

"Yeah. Now let's go back." The blonde hair guy said and the girl just nod at him then they hold hands and disappear.

With Shinichiro and BajiTora (Baji and Kazutora)

"We're really sorry for what we done and almost done Shinichiro-kun!" Kazutora and Baji said while bowing to Shinichiro.

"Hahaha it's okay. No one got hurt." Shinichiro said then pat the sit of the motorbike he wants to give to Mikey as his gift.

"But now we don't have anything to give to Mikey." Kazutora said still bothered that they won't have anything to give to Mikey for his birthday.

"You know gifts doesn't need to be material like phones or bike. Why don't you cook something for Mikey? I'm sure he will appreciate that." Shinichiro said then light up his cigarette while smiling at them.

Baji and Kazutora look at each other, confuse then look at Shinichiro again.

"We don't know what Mikey will like and we don't know how to cook." Baji said while looking embarrassed.

"Hahaha I know! Why don't you cook him Taiyaki? Or Dorayaki? That's pretty easy. Even I can make it." Shinichiro said and the two brighten up but got gloomy again because of another problem.

"Oh? What's the problem? Don't worry. I can teach you." Shinichiro said while smiling and looking at the two kids infront of him.

"The problem is we don't have money to buy for the ingredients." Kazutora said while looking down.

"Yeah. Our allowance are not enough." Baji said also looking down and gloomy.

"Hahaha that's no problem! Work for me instead! Part time. I'll pay you guys." Shinichiro said while smiling brightly at them.

"Really?! You will hire us Shinichiro-kun?!" Baji said while smiling at Shinichiro.

"Yeah! You can just assist me here. Show the customers the bike or fetch me anything I need in fixing the motorbikes." Shinichiro said and the two brighten up then nod at him.

At Mikey's Birthday.......

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKEY!" Everyone said while looking at Mikey who is surprised when he got home.

Emma is holding a big cake infront of him with a candle on it.

Shinichiro,his Grandpa and his friends are there while smiling at him.

"Thank you!" Mikey said while smiling at them.

"Blow the cake Mikey!" Shinichiro and Emma said while smiling at him.

After eating the cake with everyone and eating the Taiyaki that Baji made and Dorayaki that Kazutora made.

Mikey also open the gift of Emma, his Grandpa and his friends.

Emma gave him a scarf, his Grandpa gave him a new shoes while Draken gave him a set of flags for Emma to put in his food. Mitsuya made him a little new clothes while Pah-chin buy him a 2 piece of kids meal take out.

"You all gave your gifts to me already. What about you Shinichiro? Where's my gift?!" Mikey whine while glaring at Shinichiro who is innocently drinking his can beer.

"Hmm? What is it Mikey?" Shinichiro said while smiling innocently at Mikey.

"Shinichiro! Where's my gift?" Mikey said while glaring at Shinichiro.

"You already received so much Mikey." Shinichiro said in a teasing tone.

"Shinichiro!!!" Mikey shout that made Shinichiro laugh and stand up.

"Yes. Yes. Come here. Follow me. I'll show you my gift." Shinichiro said while smiling and Mikey smile too then follow him walking outside.

The others follow them too curious to what Shinichiro will give him.

After a few minutes they finally reached the garage which is also Shinichiro's room.

Shinichiro open the garage then Mikey's dream motorbike appear infront of him.

"That's my gift for you Mikey. Happy birthday lil bro." Shinichiro said while smiling at Mikey.

"Thank you Shinichiro!" Mikey said then run to ride his new and dream motorbike.

"Wow! Mikey!" Pah said while looking at Mikey's bike.

"Now you will not fall behind." Draken said in a teasing tone while looking at Mikey's excited face.

"Yeah. We won't need to slow down anymore." Mitsuya also said while smiling.

"Yeah! This is the best birthday gift! Thank you Shinichiro!" Mikey said with a big smile on his face.

THE END......


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