Shiba Taiju Birthday Special + SPOILER ⚠️

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After Taiju left Hakkai and Yuzuha he live in a place that a little far away from them.

He doesn't want to live close to Hakkai and Yuzuha because he have a feeling that when they did something that he doesn't like he will get violent with them again.

But it doesn't mean that he's far away with them he doesn't care about them anymore.

They're still siblings and family for him that's why he often visit them from time to time.

Yuzuha and Hakkai might not feel eyes that are watching them but Mitsuya Takashi do.

The first time he notice the eyes that are looking is on the new year where they all celebrated.

And the other time is when he take Luna,Mana and Hakkai in the park where he and Hakkai first met to play.

While Luna,Mana and Hakkai are playing in the slide Mitsuya felt the eyes again.

"Luna! Mana! I'm going to buy drinks for us what would you like?" Mitsuya ask while smiling and looking at Mana and Luna who is sliding down while Hakkai is carefully guiding them.

"I want apple juice!" Luna said with a smile after she slide down.

"Me too!" Mana said while hugging Luna and smiling.

"Roger my princesses!" Mitsuya said while smiling at them.

"What about you Hakkai?" Mitsuya said while looking at Hakkai.

"I'm fine with anything Taka-chan. You can buy me what you will drink Taka-chan." Hakkai said while smiling at him.

"Sure. Look after them while I'm gone." Mitsuya said and start to walk away with a hidden smile on his face.

"Roger Taka-chan!" Hakkai said and salute at him. After Mitsuya left Luna,Mana and Hakkai decided to play with the swing this time.

Mitsuya take a different route and then surprise the one who's looking at them behind him.

"Ah Taiju. So it's you. I thought it was someone dangerous." Mitsuya said when he's now behind Taiju Shiba.

"Mitsuya." Taiju said as he look at Mitsuya and now they're face to face to each other.

"What are you doing watching us from here?" Mitsuya ask as he put down the drinks he bought in the bench where Taiju is sitting.

"I'm not watching you guys." Taiju said and he look away.

"Oh right. Sorry. So why are you watching Hakkai?" Mitsuya said in a teasing tone while looking at Taiju who blush of what he said.

"You know?" Taiju said while looking at Mitsuya with shock on his face.

"You're too obvious you know. If you want to talk to him or be with them again you can just go back Taiju. They will sure accept you again." Mitsuya said and he sit beside Taiju while looking at Luna,Mana and Hakkai playing in the sand box.

"I don't want to. They may forgive me for what I've done but I don't forgive myself Mitsuya." Taiju said while looking down at his hands together.

"So you're doing this self reflecting? Well I think it's good but I don't think it's good that you're spying them like this. They're a big chance that someone will notice you aside myself and call police you know." Mitsuya said while looking at Taiju who flitch at what he said.

It looks like he doesn't want to stop watching and spying at Yuzuha and Hakkai.

"If you like give me the address where you currently live and I'll tell you once a week what they are doing and how are they deal?" Mitsuya said with a smile on his face.

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