Chapter 41

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Everyone is looking at Y/n while she's panicking right now.

"W-why do you wanna know about them?" Y/n ask while stuttering and looking in Shinichiro's eyes with nervous.

"Because Inui is important to me same goes for Haruchiyo." Shinichiro said without hesitation while looking straight in Y/n's eyes.

"The Haitani brothers are important to me and Izana too." Kakucho said while looking at Y/n and her attention turn to him.

"Hey! Who said that those two idiots are important to me?!" Izana shout at Kakucho while blushing.

"Izana! Don't lie! I saw you once crying while watching the videos of their crimes that you ask Naoto to get for you!" Kakucho said while looking at Izana and he blush even more as he feel all the eyes turn to him.

"I-I-I'm NOT CRYING! THAT'S JUST SWEAT! IT'S HOT IN MY ROOM!" Izana shout again while his face is redder than before.

"How come your room is hot when we put your room is fully air conditioned?" Chifuyu ask while smiling teasingly at Izana.

".....up......" Izana whispered while looking down.

"What? What did you say? We can't hear it." Baji also said teasingly while smiling.

"I SAID SHUT UP IDIOTS!" Izana said and cover his face that now is in scarlet color.

"So tell us what did you do with them? Did you also tampered their mind?" Takeomi ask while looking at Y/n.

"N-no, I didn't but it's our father who did it." Y/n said that made all of them confuse.

"Your father? Daisuke Kambe? How? And why would he do that?" Wakasa ask while looking at Y/n with a lollipop in his mouth.

"While I'm tampering your minds, Dad make a machine that can tamper your brain or switch the memories you have." Y/n said while looking down and all of them are shock of what she said.

"What?! How the hell did he make that machine?!" Angry shout while looking at Y/n that made her flinch and step back.

"Wait! Don't be scared of Angry he's harmless that just his usual expression." Hakkai said while pulling Y/n back.

"Hey! Don't insult my brother Hakkai!" Smiley said while smiling but he's obviously mad.

"Sorry Angry." Hakkai said to Angry while smiling.

"It's fine btw don't make her step forward more, she will step on the shattered mug." Angry said with concern, Hakkai look down and saw the shattered mug.

Because of it he just makes her sit on his chair which is infront of Mikey.

"So how the hell did your father make that machine Y/n?" Draken ask again while looking at Y/n.

"I honestly don't know. When I got home and he lead me to the basement, I saw the machine operating and it's first to used it on is Michi-nii." Y/n said that make them shock again while looking at her.

"Takemitchy?! Why?!" Mikey ask while looking at Y/n and now standing up as he slammed both of his hands on the table.

"Dad said for him to have hatred towards to all of you and Shinichiro for killing grandfather." Y/n said as she look at Shinichiro who's still in shock.

"So is that machine the reason of Inui, Koko, The Haitani brothers, South, Sanzu's behavior?" Naoto ask while looking at Y/n while Draken is calming down Mikey.

"Yes and the reason is because dad said that they have potential to be part of mafia. He said that if it's them our mafia and Michi-nii's generation in mafia will be the most powerful one." Y/n said while looking down at the new hot chocolate that Mitsuya make for her.

"My question is what Taiju said about you showing the future of Hakkai in different timeline true?" Shinichiro ask while looking at Y/n.

"No it's not true. But I can do it. Taiju didn't know but he also used the machine." Y/n said while looking at Shinichiro then at Hakkai.

"My question is Takemichi the leader of Bōsōzoku?" Takeomi ask that made everyone look at him.

"Bōsōzoku? The biker gang that replaced us in first place?" Benkei ask while looking at Takeomi and he just nod at him.

"Yes he is the leader and his members are Inui and Koko as his left and right hand man, Sanzu and the Haitani brothers as his slaughterer, and South and Taiju as his shield. And me as his co leader. Their position is the same now in mafia. Dad said that we should start from the bottom as biker gang then climb up." Y/n said and everyone turn their attention to her as she speaks.

"Next question what is the condition of your little sister Tenshi?" Shinichiro ask while looking at Y/n and she can read that he asked that question out of guilt.

"She's comatose in America. Dad's with her while we're climbing up to be first place." Y/n answered while looking at Shinichiro.

"Last question did you also used the machine your father made?" Shinichiro ask that made Y/n froze for a moment.

It's been few minutes now but Y/n still haven't given her answer to Shinichiro so he's about to ask again when Y/n nod.

"Dad use it to me a hundred times because of my psychic ability that keeps on fighting the machine. He turn up the machine to the highest volume so it would work after the 99th time of trying. He said that I need it because I'm being disobedient to him at that time also he's getting desperate because Tenshi's condition is getting worse." Y/n said while looking down and tears are falling in her eyes.

"So he throw out his desperation and frustration at you?" Mitsuya ask while looking at Y/n. She didn't answer Mitsuya and just keep on crying.

"Why didn't you fight him Y/n? You're stronger than him." Kazutora said while looking at Y/n with pitiful eyes.

"He's my father. He's the only family that we have. Mom passed away after giving birth to Tenshi, grandfather is gone, and Tenshi's in hospital comatose. I don't have a choice to do what he want even if it will break my mind and I'm still hoping that he will get back to his real life, the loving father we grow up in before he inherited the family business." Y/n said while wiping her tears and smiling.

"Why don't you give up? You been released from the machine and if he finds out he will use it on you again." Draken said while looking at Y/n.

"How about all of you? Why don't you give up on Michi-nii? It's because you hope that he will get back to the Takemichi that you know and love right? We have the same reasons." Y/n said while looking at all of them and they just stay where they are silently.

"I have to go back. If I stay any more longer Michi-nii will throw a search party for me." Y/n said and she just disappear infront of them.

("Now our goal changed.") Mikey said in his mind while looking at everyone.



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