.part 1.

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It was 6:00 am in the morning and my alarm went off for me to wake up.
Since I'm an early bird and like the morning I quickly got up and turned the alarm off and headed down stairs. I made some porridge and a glass of orange juice and sat down at my kitchen table. I felt something brush past my leg and I knew exactly who it were it was my dog BELLE she was a Poochon on which is a poodle and a beechon freese I think that's how you spell it but anyways

 I felt something brush past my leg and I knew exactly who it were it was my dog BELLE she was a Poochon on which is a poodle and a beechon freese I think that's how you spell it but anyways

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I gave her a little stroke on her back and got back to eating.

I finished my bowl of porridge and it was now 6:10 today training was at 8 but like I said I'm an early bird and get up earlier so I can just chill out for a bit before ELLA TOONE and MILLIE TURNER come pick me up. I headed upstairs to get a shower and started playing my playlist. I hopped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me.

I quickly dried my hair and pop it up into my signature mid-high ponytail and got my stuff together.

.skip 1 hour.
It was now time for Ella and Millie to pick me up and as soon as I was getting my stuff ready I hear a beep outside my house and obviously I know that's them joking around.

I stroked belle goodbye and locked the door behind me and got into Millie's Range Rover.
"Ay up y/n" Ella said giggly. "Ay up Ella" i said back impersonating her voice. "I do not sound like that" Ella said crossing her arms in a funny way putting a fake stroppy face on.

We arrived at the training ground and headed inside the changing rooms to get ready I put on my Nike phantom boots

We arrived at the training ground and headed inside the changing rooms to get ready I put on my Nike phantom boots

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I headed out on the training pitch with MARY EARPS and ONA BATLLE.
First we did 2 laps around the pitch and started doing some stretches with KATIE ZELEM and then we got into the training.
First we started of with rondos and i meggsed KIRSTY SMITH and she wasn't very happy.
Then we moved onto some passing and moving drills for 20 mins max
And we moved onto mini net games.
A bit of shooting practice and finished it of with 5-aside games and obviously my team won.

MARC SKINNER shouted me over and said " y/n can we have a word just a sec" " ye of course see ya in a sec girls" I walked away with Marc to his office and we sat down. "Am I in trouble" I asked worried "oh no no no far from it I've just been sent an email from SARINA WIEGMAN saying that she has called you up to the England squad" "oh my god wow this is a dream come true I might cry right now aha"
"I wasn't surprised you got that email because I've seen a lot of progress from you y/n and your becoming a proper player" "thank you so much it's an honour I thought I was getting shouted at but I didn't know what for"

Marc gave me a hug and then I walked back out with a massive smile on my face and as I saw Ella and Mary I just started jumbling our words I didn't even understand "wow y/n what's going on I don't understand a thing your saying" Mary said whilst her and Ella both laughed. "Neither do I I'm just so shocked you won't believe it" I said giggling and breathing heavily whilst they were confused "I got into the England squad" I said jumping up and down to excited to calm down.

The two girls came and wrapped me in a hug because they were so happy we could play together in the euros 2022 and also to stop me from jumping up and down.

I got dropped of by Millie and quickly got inside and rang my dad. "Dad guess what oh my god you won't believe it" "what is it sweetheart" "I got into the England squad ahh" "yesss well done my love I'm so proud of you I'm very very happy for you I'll tell your mum" ( I've just got something to say this is y/n step mum she doesn't talk to her real mum and so she just calls her mum because it's easier x) "well done darling I can't wait to watch you out on tv or maybe even come and watch I love you loads you've done everyone so proud"

my step mum sent a mwah through the phone whilst she passed the phone back to my dad I wasn't talking because I was crying I finally did it I'm playing for my country this has been my biggest dream ever ever since I was 5 and everyone told me it was impossible but no I proved them all wrong and I listened to myself and followed my dream.

"I'm gonna call grandad and tell him the good news now dad I love you loads I'll get to see you soon hopefully love you" "love you too".
I clicked on .grandad❤️. And my phone started dialling he answered and said "you okay my cupcake" "I'm absolutely buzzing grandad guess what I got into the England squad" "wehay that's my girl I'm so proud of you everyone believed in you and plus would you like me to come to any of the games" "well its up to you grandad but that would be amazing" "I'll see what I can do my sweet girl I'm on top of the world for you how do you feel" "i feel so happy and so unreal I need to pinch myself to make sure that I'm not dreaming because this is my dream." "I'm so glad your happy darling well I've got to go now so enjoy the moment darling" "will do grandad love you" "love you too".

What an eventful day Ay can't believe this actually happened younger me would have loved to see this moment and I did it for her for that little girl that was dream and she made it a reality.

Hope you guys are liking it so far idk what it's like but I only started this on 29/08/22 and so I will be continuing so be waiting for updates whenever hope you have a lovely day 🫶🏼🫶🏼

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