.part 3.

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It's the day where Chelsea play liverpool In the Fa cup final and we had all acsess tickets(idk how to spell it lol) so we headed earlier. We arrived at Wembley and oh my it was absolutely gorgeous it was one of my biggest dreams to play at Wembley infront of a sell out stadium and score a winning goal (😉).We headed inside and got to have our dinner some players came in to see my dad but one in particular Trent Alexander-Arnold he has been my crush for ages and when I saw him he's so much stunning in real life.
His light brown eyes were like heaven shining at me as he gave me the most gorgeous smile I've ever witnessed I mean I know Ella has an amazing smile but this made my belly rumble as if I literally had butterfly's flying around in my stomach.
My cheeks were red and my mum (I'm just gonna say mum because step mum is getting annoying now) was looking at me with that look.
I looked back down and carried on eating my food

*Trent's POV*
I met my eyes with the beautiful y/n redknapp she's so pretty I've had a crush on her for ages and I can't believe how splendid she looked in person like I can't lie she's hot like really hot. I gave her a quick cheeky smirk and started talking back to Andy he said "who you got your eyes on lad" Andy was now looking around the room and then he found who i had a crush on for years "go talk to her man be brave" "wait what- oh my Andy I'm not gonna do that she's eating bro" " go on you'll be fine" he said in his thick Scottish accent giving me a little nudge forward whilst her dad Jamie redknapp was busy talking to other people.

*back to Y/n POV*
I felt someone come close to me and said in a thick Scouse accent "hiya y/n alright i'm Trent" giving me a quick smirk. God it got me every time "oh yeah I obviously know you yes I am  y/n hi" i said spurring all my words out at once nervously. "Uhm okay I was wondering could I maybe get your number it's a bit much straight away it alright if no-" "yeah of course no worry's" I said happily with a smile "yeah thanks you look really nice tonight hope you enjoy the game oh and well done for being called up" "thank you so much and also good luck for the game I'll be on your side as my dad use to play for you"
"Well I appreciate it" he said making us both put a smile on our faces. "I'm gonna head back now is that okay" "of course it is you don't need permission Trent" i said having a little giggle
Trent headed over to his teammates

My mum had sat in the seat next to me and said "spill" straight away "I don't know what you mean mum" "you know what I mean my darling spill what you two are talking about I can see the way you look at eachother" my mother said intrigued as we got interrupted by my dad "who looks at who like what" he said over protectively. I rolled my eyes in response.
"Don't roll your eyes at me young lady".
"It's nothing dad we're just joking with you" i said both of us putting a fake laugh on anyways he sat back down and we enjoyed the delicious food but I hardly ate because he was on my mind I was daydreaming too much.

.skip to the game.
We sat down in the box and the players were lining up. I saw Trent straight away and he was looking at me and gave me a smirk. He didn't wave to her because my dad was sat right next to me but I had the biggest smile on my face and my dad looked at me weirdly. "What are you smiling at"I turned and looked at him "I'm just excited for the game" giving him a grin "oh alright" my dad said having and idea I was lying.
The final had began

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