.part 21.

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*y/n's POV*

We arrived back at Saint George park because some girls needed physio and there were just more stuff to do at sgp as well.

I headed inside to the lounge room where there were bean bags and slumped myself into the beanbag.

Trent went over to Kyle and John as they also didn't have training today.

I mainly just relaxed on my phone and dozed my eyes off a few times.

*ping* I got a text message from my dad. I wonder what this could be because he texted me yesterday about the game.

Y/n how come Trent was in your plane today x

It's because he was going back to sgp aswell so I asked and they let him on because part of England to x

Oh okay how you doing after the game x

I'm good did you get back okay x

Yes everyone is fine what you doing now x

I'm just relaxing on the beanbag
because I think the plane and coach
journey tired me out x

Alright darling get some rest x

Will do dad x

"Who was that" Trent said being nosy but in a nice soft whisper.

"It was my dad I think he's seen pictures of us as he randomly texted me asking why you were on the plane" i said leaning on Trent's shoulder and him putting his arm around the back.

It sent shivers down my spine when he did that and he knew what he did and smiled cheekily.
"Oh well I hope he's not mad at you"
"I don't think he'll be mad at me and what's there to be mad about"

The plane had landed and we all got of and went to sgp.

We got to sgp and I said bye to Trent so he could go to the lads.

Before he went he said "meet me at my room tonight 5:00 we can do what we normally do"
"Okay see you then" I said joyfully

I walked of to Lauren and she said "what was that all about then y/n"
"What do you mean"
"Y/n your cheeks are red"
"Shush Lauren"
"You know it's true y/n" she said laughing at me as I was making a stroppy face

It was 5:00 so I knocked on Trent's doors. The door slowly opened to a shirtless Trent in grey joggers.

My eyes stared at his gorgeous abs and then suddenly "hello y/n my eyes up here" he said laughing making me get in embarrassed.

"Don't get embarrassed y/n no one can resist my abs" he said putting an arm around me and walking into the room which didn't help with the redness on my face.

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