.part 26.

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Me, Mary and Ella got up in the morning and headed to the training room to do some gym work and see who made the starting XI.

I wasn't to bothered if I wasn't on the starting XI as sarina promised me that I will be getting game time in the group stage.

Everyone worked hard in the gym and after got a Lucozade and headed over to see the team sheet.

Me and Ella were both on the bench and Mary was obviously starting XI as she was an unreal and experienced goalkeeper.

It got later on in the day and it was 1:00 we got the coach down to Southampton as it was about 3 hours to get there from sgp.

We arrived it was 4:30 as there was some traffic either way we got to the place where we were staying over night.

It was an hour later and so everyone got onto the coach and headed to the stadium.

We arrived and you could see the fans behind the railing shouting and cheering for us as we arrived.

Everyone got of the coach and headed over to the fans and took selfies and gave autographs.

One of the fans which was a young girl said
"y/n your one of the reasons why I started playing football and I'm so happy you got in the England squad your my favourite player can I have a photo and sign my programme please"

"Of course you can aww I'm so glad you got into football"

I took a photo of us and also I signed her programme and put a little message saying 'never give up on your dreams I believe in you'.

The girls and I headed onto the pitch just walking on it and then headed back into the changing rooms getting ready to warm up on the pitch.

While me and Ella was waiting for the coaches to set up the training me and Ella were both doing passing and then Ella decided to do a bit of showboating.

I couldn't do as much tricks as Ella but I could do a few and did some as well.

I headed back into the tunnel to be met with Trent.

"Oh my Trent what are you doing here you made me jump" I said giving him a hug

"Hello to you too"

"Well anyways it's great to see you I'm glad you came"

"Yeah I don't have a lot to do right now and I'm not going on holiday until after euros so yeah"

"Ah well I've got to go now bye" I said giving him another quick hug and he said bye back and then he headed to his spot as we were coming out in 15.

Trent was sat behind me as well where the subs bench were so that was a plus.

Me and Ella headed to the subs bench before the girls that were starting.

I saw Trent as I headed to the benches and Ella nudged me whilst I was walking and I sat in the top corner as that was where he was sat.

"Heyy" I said to Trent and also waved to the fans at the same time as well and in the mean time someone came up to him and asked for a photo.

He smiled into the camera and his gorgeous teeth and ugh this man is so stunning I hope one day he'll be mine.

Anyways the match started and we were off under away England vs Northern Ireland.

It was the 39 minute and England were attacking.

Fran passed it to Lauren who was looking to shoot but it was blocked by a group of northern Irelanders.

But then the ball fell perfectly to Fran who struck the ball straight into the top bins.

1-0 England

Soon after Lauren had crossed the ball in to the swarmed group of white and green.

One of the Northern Ireland players headed the ball to Beth's feat who had faked a shot and then slotted it into the bottom corner

2-0 to England

It was half time everyone headed to the changing rooms sarina told me to get changed as I was coming on straight away for Ellen.

I warmed up and the forth official (think that's how it's spelt) tapped my back to say I could go on.

I high five Ellen as I ran onto the pitch clapping the fans and getting into position.

Not soon later Beth ran down the wing I was ready in the box.

The ball flew straight over the Northern Ireland players head and landed perfectly on mine so I could place it into the net.

I ran over to Fran and gave her a hug yess I scored another goal woo hoo.

3-0 England

Ella had passed me the ball through to me and I did a little flick to make sure the ball was mine which was quite cheeky.


Lauren hugged me and I was soon surrounded by other players 2 goals wow this really is the dream I'm making come true.

4-0 England

England was still attacking having chances everywhere but then suddenly.

Beth was running with the ball and went to cross it as it deflected of the defender.

And it's and own goal by kelsie burrows she must be devastated but it was now 5-0 to England what a game.

The game had finished 5-0 I got 2 goals and I couldn't feel so much better 3 wins out of 3 we were through to the quarter finals and I couldn't have been more ready.

*Jamie's POV*

I was with my wife, mum, dad and kids ready to watch my daughter play for England.

Y/n finally got subbed on I believed she was gonna score.

It was quite early on when she came in and she headed it towards the net YEAHHH

"That's my girl" my dad said very proudly

"Go on" my son shouted

She scored again what a brilliant player she is she makes us all so proud.

Ella passed y/n the ball and she did a cheeky little flick to get pass the defenders and strikes into the bottom corner making everyone cheer.

"Go on y/n" i said

The game finished 5-0 my daughter scoring 2 goals in an England game I couldn't be more proud of her.

*Trents POV*

I got excited as y/n was coming on I know she's gonna score she never breaks her promises she such a brilliant player anyways everyone believes in her.

She only came on not long ago and straight away BOOM a header from y/n.

YESSS made the crowd roar making me stand up and clap her.

Y/n was back greedy for more she got past the defender swiftly finishing it straight into the bottom corner.

The game finished and I headed down to the tunnel to wait for a sweaty, successful y/n.

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