.part 4.

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It was half time and 0-0 the score was. I went on my phone and posted a pic on my Instagram from before the game


Liked by ellatoone,England and 14,367 others Of to watch Liverpool vs Chelsea❤️💙⚽️

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Liked by ellatoone,England and 14,367 others
Of to watch Liverpool vs Chelsea❤️💙⚽️

@ellatoone you look stunning y/n
- thank u so much Ella ❤️

@millieturner wow she's stunning
- your stunning ❤️

@frankirby come on the blues 💙
-uhm WestHam any day

@user92010 she's so pretty
like by creator

@user27732 still don't know why women play football they're not good enough 🙊

The game had finish 0-0 so it headed to extra time. There were a few more chances from both sides but not enough to add a goal to the score.
It was now penalties and up first was Chelsea with Marcus Alonso putting it in the back of the net.
Next up for Liverpool was James Milner with an absolutely stunning pen slicing it into top right hand corner.
Chelsea were back with Azpillicueta hitting the post.
Thiago practically passed it into the net as cool as you can.
Reece James goes easy with a straight down the middle pen
Firming just gets away with it putting it into the net with mendy getting a slight hand to it
Ross Barkley hammers it into the back of the net and it's a very intense penalty shootout
It was now Trent and he looked around at me and I smiled towards him whilst he gave me a nervous smile back as he headed to the spot. He placed it down and shot straight into the bottom corner making it slam the back of the net and he walked back with a straight face.
Jorginho scored and now it was Liverpool go and if they scored this they would win the FA cup.
It was Mane that stepped up to shoot against his teammate in the international team which was a big risk. Saved Mendy had saved it and kept Chelsea in it.
Ziyech scores roars and nervous sighs hit the crowd
Jota scores and Liverpool fans still believing in their team
Mason mount had stepped up for the penalty and let's put a sigh before he runs up and SAVE ALLISON SAVES IT cheers of Liverpool fans circulating the stadium
Tsimikas every single fan and player on his back will the pressure get to his head or will he keep his composure
It feels like ages waiting everyone on edge
TSIMIKAS yessss he slots it in the back of the net Liverpool have won the FA cup 2022 the Liverpool players started chasing Tsimikas whilst the side where Liverpool fans were red flares setting of and roaring whilst Chelsea fans devastated.
I was only clapping as let's say I wasn't massive fans of either teams but I'm happy for Liverpool and obviously Trent aswell.we headed down to go see the players.

"Hi Trent you alright" "oh hi y/n didn't see you there you okay" he said giving me a hug "oh sorry I didn't mean to well done on winning and great pen" "no worries and thanks it means a lot" "enjoy ima head back now" "no come say hi to everyone I'll introduce you" "uh I'm not very good in meeting new people-" Trent was now pulling me to take me to his teammates. "Y/n this ANDY ROBERTSON ,VIRGIl VAN DJIK ,MO SALAH,ROBERT FIRMINO,JORDAN HENDERSON and CURTIS JONES "hi" i said nervously looking at my feet "of course I know her Trent It's y/n redknapp" Curtis said to Trent whisk Trent look down at me staring at my feet and put an arm around me I looked up and gave him a smile and he gave me one in return."wait hang on Trent has a girl" Andy said shouting so everyone heard and my dad looked over at us "no not like that at all" i said quickly before anything else could happen and then quickly my dad came over wrapping an arm over my shoulder gently but making sure Trent's arm is away from me. "You alright y/n what you doing" he said sternly "oh just talking to the boys" mo Virgil and Bobby had walked away by now and it was just awkward. "Right we'lol let you lot celebrate see ya later"making me move away quickly. We got outside and everyone got inside the car and my dad said "y/n what we're you doing" "just talking to them congratulating them that they had just won the FA cup" I said in a sarcastic tone. "Don't speak to me like that" I rolled my eyes "we'll talk tommorow ok y/n" "okay dad" and went on my phone as we headed home and when we arrived back home I quickly got into my pyjamas and headed to bed.

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