.part 9.

333 4 0

(Sorry about the last one I was jsut very tired and my eyes were dosing off xx)

*y/n's POV*
As Trent left the room I headed over to Rachel in the living room. "Hi you alright y/n" "hi Rachel yeah you" "glad your staying tonight". "yeah same can finally like get to know you better" i said smiling "yeah and so we can get boy talk" Rachel said giving me a smirk "I don't know what you're going on about" I said laughing "you know Trent" she whispered "there's nothing going on with me and Trent I mean yeah I like him but everyone can have a crush now and then" "we'll to me you both look very comfortable together" she said giving me the eye "well he doesn't like me back anyways so there's not point" "you know Andy and Trent tell each other anything and everything and Andy can't keep a secret from me so I can just ask" "no you don't have to isn't that rude ah I don't know sure, no, maybe," "y/n steady on I promise you it's fine because if he does like you then I'll tell you straight away" "are you sure" "absolutely I wouldn't be surprised if Andy didn't ask the same thing" "okay if you say so I'm gonna go to bed now" "wait one sec let's have a photo it'll be cute" "yeah of course"


@y/nredknapp my new best friend for life xxxLiked by Andyrobertson, Y/nredknapp and 5,008 others

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@y/nredknapp my new best friend for life xxx
Liked by Andyrobertson, Y/nredknapp and 5,008 others

@y/nredknapp love you 😍❤️❤️
@andyrobertson- hey stop stealing my wife 😡
@rachelroberts- babe calm down 😂😂😂
@y/nredknapp- 🤣🤣🤣

@perrieedwards my gorgeous girls 😻🤩
-my girl love ya
@y/nredknapp so nice meeting you today ❤️
@perrieedwards- had an amazing time meeting you aswell xxx

@tamaragomez literally both so perfect 🫶🏼❤️
-nah literally you hun xxx
@y/nredknapp ❤️❤️

@user010 a duo we never expected
-@user0174 yesss
-@user813 tm
-@user241 👍

I headed to Trent's room and he was still getting changed and so I laid down but my top half still sat up against the headboard on my phone. A couple of minutes later I heard the door open and saw Trent in his shorts in front of me and oh my lord he's just so prefect
"Hello y/n you alright" he asked me as I was just daydreaming about him but then I shot back into the real world quickly and said "yeah sorry just dozing off " "that's alright" he mailed at me and walked over to the other side of bed and got in and went on his phone. I got up to turn the light of and Trent said "what you doing" "oh I'm just turning the light of if that's okay" "yeah that's fine" I got back inside the bed and went back on my phone

I've just asked Andy and he said
That Trent likes you too ahh xxx

Nah there ain't no way for real xx

Yeah way omg you need to get
Together I swear if you two wake
Up cuddling your gonna get together xx

Stop being over dramatic
Even if I do ask it'll have
To be when we actually
Know each other xxx

Well I'm Already planning
The wedding 🤣🤣🤣xxx

🤣🤣🤣 well I'm gonna go
Bed now so good night xxx

Same and goodnight xx

I turned my phone on silent and got some cover on me as I felt an arm on my shoulder "y/n" he said shyly "yes Trent" "can we I don't know maybe like cuddle only friend way it's just I'm cold" "yeah of course" me and Trent started cuddling together but I've never felt this I felt safe in his arms he such a soft person.
I can't tell you how much I think about this boy it's non stop and I mean if it's true which I really hope it is because he seems suchlike a loving guy. Trent then began stroking my arms which I quickly moved because it gave me shivers and he looked up at me with a soft look and asked softly "are you alright" "yeah it just gave me shivers that's all" I said both of us smiling at each other before heading to bed

(I know it's a small one but I need to add a part because I haven't been updating a lot lately I'm trying my best and also my team won 5-0 on that friendly if you saw it xx)

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