.part 8.

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Ps: sorry guys I've been really busy and I seriously don't want to go back to school and I've got this new headteacher and he's so strict where not even allowed accessories on our shoes like what anyways hope you've been enjoying the story we'll eventually get to the England part soon xxx stay safe

I'm round he corner now and
Are you sure you want to come your
Dad wouldn't be happy and I don't
Want to get on the wrong side of him x

I honestly don't care what my dad say's anymore  he can't control me I'm
An adult now and I'll protect you x

Okay if you say so x

Leah do you have a picture with
Us together xx

Uhm I think so yeah why xx

Because if my dad asked if I needed
Proof that I'm at yours could I use that xx

Where you sneaking of to and yeah
Of course xx

Just a friend xx

What is this friend's name y/n xx

Trent xx

Oh my god you like him don't you xx

Well yeah but how do
You know that xx

Because you never go to a "friend's" house
That is a boy and you wouldn't ask me
To give you a photo and oh here's the photo xx

LeahBecause you never go to a "friend's" houseThat is a boy and you wouldn't ask me To give you a photo and oh here's the photo xx

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You are one smart person
Leah Williamson
And thanks stay safe xxx

U too and use protection xxx

I do not plan on having sex
With Trent xxx

Okay I'll play that when you have
4 kids together bye now though can't
Wait for euros xx

Oh shut up 😂😂 same
And byeeee xx

I headed out the door and walked round the corner to Trent's car and we both smiled at each other and then I got in with my stuff. "Hi how are you y/n" "I'm great Trent how are you" I said in between putting my seatbelt on and he started driving "how long is everyone staying for" "uhm I think maybe few more hours and also Rachel is staying tonight so they'll be sharing and then there's two rooms left either you can sleep in guest or mine" He said making me blush a little as I could tell he was trying to hint that he wouldn't mind me laying in his bed. "Well maybe I might sleep in yours I haven't had a lot of company in a while and I miss belle" I said making a sad face. I looked at Trent and his face went puzzle making me giggle a little "who's belle" "belle is my dog""ohh that makes more sense" he said whilst still looking at the road both of us laughing. I couldn't help but notice his side profile his little ruffly beard on his chin and his stunning jawline oh this man is perfect if only he felt the same.
*3 minutes later*
We arrived at his and Andy's apartment and we headed inside.people were stood talking drinking having fun. Whilst I was looking at everyone someone pulled my hand and took me to the living room.I looked up to see who it was and it was Trent and he took me to the couch and sat next to me and we were just having a nice conversation. Turns out that nice conversation lasted all night and people started to leave so I asked Trent "which one is your bedroom" "the first one" I headed to the room and got on my pyjamas

 Turns out that nice conversation lasted all night and people started to leave so I asked Trent "which one is your bedroom" "the first one" I headed to the room and got on my pyjamas

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I put these on and text Trent that I'm gonna lie down. He said that he was gonna come in a sec he was just getting us both a bottle of water. I heard the door creep open and so I turned around and saw Trent "you alright Trent" "yeah I'm good I'm just gonna get changed in bathroom" "okay"he took his shorts and headed to bathroom.

*Trent's POV*
I walked in and saw y/n in this amazing blue short and crop top set obviously it would look better in red but she is stunning no matter what she wears only if she felt the same way. "I'm just gonna get changed in the bathroom" I said but first I knocked on Andy's door and he said "come in" "Trent what's the matter lad" "I think I've fallen for her" Andy got up quickly and was dancing weirdly making me laugh "Are you gonna ask her out" "I might wait for euros and idk maybe like say if you score I'll take you on a date somet like that" "yeah that's brilliant I'm glad you've finally met someone mate I believe you both I ship it" I had the biggest smile on my face and then it dropped "what happens if she doesn't like me back" "Trent are you okay have you seen the way she looks at you" Rachel said walking in and Andy giving her a quick peck. "What do you mean" "she literally gives you hear eyes every time she looks at you I can go talk to her now if you want me to ask" "uh yeah if you don't mind" "okie" "I'm gonna get changed now"

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