.part 33.

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*skip to 25th july*

It was the day before the semi-finals and we had a day off to loosen up and not be so anxious about tomorrows game.

I decided to give Lilly a text on instagram and see if she wanted to meet up.

Hi Lilly I've got a day off and I'm in Sheffield do you want to meet up it's okay if not x

Hi y/n and yes of course I'd love to meet up x

Where would be a good place and what time x

I'm just gonna get changed and I'll drive out and like maybe 11am oh an also this place is really nice ****** x

Okay text me when your nearly there and I'll get a taxi x

I'll come pick you up I'm sure it'll be fine where you staying x

Oh thank you so much Lilly and also I'm staying at ****** x

Okay I'll come in around 10 minutes.

Yeah sounds good🥰

I was excited to see Lilly as I've not seen her in ages. I got changed into some summer clothes and I waited outside the entrance for Lilly to come pick me up as it's been around 10 minutes but she'll be driving.

I saw Lilly outside the hotel and come in the car park and we ran to each other and gave her the biggest hug ever. "I've missed you so much Lilly"
"I've missed you to y/n" a little tear fell down my eye.

"Right come on let's get going" Lilly said as we pulled away from the hug and got in her car.

We drove to this little cafe and we sat down. "I'm gonna go get something to eat and a drink do you want anything"
"Yes please can I have a bottle of water and a ham& chesse toastie"

I got up and got 2 bottles of water went to the counter and asked "could I have a pizza toastie and a ham and cheese toastie please"
"Yes of course that will be £6 please"
"Yeah course" I paid and the women gave me a table number #7 coincidence. "Well bring it over in a few minutes"
"Yeah that's brilliant thank you"

I was having a great time with Lilly and talking and laughing and then a waiter came over with our food and placed it down on the table which we gladly took and thanked them and tucked into our food.

"So how you feeling about the game coming up then"
"Bit nervous but can't wait as well aha"
"Hmm unfortunate your playing at that ground though I would've come watch you but as a loyal Wednesdayite can't do that"
I chuckled at her facial expression and said "completely understand"

"So any love life or anything going on" Lilly said and I replied with nodding my head as I just took a bite out of my food. She gasped and immediately said "do I know them oh my whooo"
"Yeah you do know him not personally but I'll just say it" Lilly was now staring into my soul smiling which made me giggle and I said "Trent Alex-"
"Shut upppp" I nodded my head smiling at her and she got all giddy which made me chuckle at her again.

"Damn girl you levelled up"
"Well anyways how bout you"
"Still in a relationship with josh and it's going very strongly"

Lilly goes out with josh windass the Sheffield Wednesday no11. I knew this as I had seen on her Instagram and yeah.

"Would I be a bridesmaid at your wedding"
"Aww stopppp"
"What about me y/n"
"I don't think I'm getting married anytime soon but yeah of course"
"Nah if you and Trent had a wedding that would be elite, how many famous people would be there it would be unreal"
"Girl shush, anyways do you think you gonna get proposed to anytime soon orrr"
"Maybe because we are going on a holiday just us two soon but I don't want to know when as I wasn't to be surprised you know what I mean"
"Hmm yeah but I'm glad your happy"
"We could go on double dates"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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